Let's Go Tommy!-Chapter Two (Tommy Thayer #1) ⛳️

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Tommy Thayer was about to play a game of golf.

Me and the rest of the band were on our way to meet him there.

"Do ya think he's gonna hit the ball and make it land in the Body Of Water"?

I asked Eric.

The drummer shrugged his shoulders,

"We'll just have to wait and see".

Paul said.

Once we got there, Tommy and the other golfers were doing some warm-up exercises before the tournament started.

Tommy was dressed in golf attire and his hair was pulled back by the hat he was wearing.

After we found ourselves a seat in the bleachers, Gene left to get us some snacks and a drink because it was getting hot outside.

When he came back about fifteen minutes later, the tournament was about to begin.

Tommy's assistant gave him his golf ball and golf club, and then he and the other players went to the first hole.

The guy wearing a pink shirt went first.

He hit his ball with the golf club, and we all watched as it went flying out to the other side of the property.

Then, we heard a splash.

It landed in the Body Of Water.

"What a scmhuck"!

The guy pouted and I started snickering.

"He sounds like Eric Carr".

I whispered to the guys and they snickered along with me.

"That's true..."

Paul agreed with me.

After a few players had their turn, it was time for Tommy to step up.

He looked out in the distance while squinting as the sun was in his eyes.

Then, he put the ball down and focused really hard on what he was about to do.

He gave it a good hit and off it went.

Paul, Gene, and Eric watched carefully to see if Tommy was successful.

Unfortunately, he was not.

The ball had landed in the Body Of Water with a Splash!

"Dang it, I hit the ball too dang too hard".

Tommy mumbled to himself in annoyance as he went to go and get his ball.

He bent down and saw the neon blue color at the bottom of the water.

Once he picked it up, he shook it lightly so it would dry.

Since he wasn't far from the flag and the golf hole, he was able to try again.

Tommy hit the ball a little bit more lightly, but with enough force.

The crowd cheered when the ball went into the hole.


I hollered in excitement and then blew a KISS confetti in the air.

It wasn't a large like the ones that were at KISS shows, so it was safe to use.

Everyone was enjoying the confetti and some kids were trying to catch pieces of it.

"Hey, where did you get that confetti"?

Gene asked me.

"From the last concert in Madison Square Garden. I found it backstage and no one was using it, so I just took it".

I told the Demon.

"That's exactly what I thought".

Gene looked up like he did when he in denial.

Paul and Eric laughed when he did that.

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