💛🍋 Secret Star🍋💙(Free x Valt lemon)🔞

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 Thanks @Laux3001  for the idea :DD


Free wrinkled his nose in frustration as he tried to attach a small webcam to his laptop. C'mon, you stupid thing...stick already!! After much trial and error, It finally stuck. 

"Ah, there. Damn thing nearly killed me." Free stated, leaning back in his bed to check if the cam worked. It did, and a wide smile spread across the blond's face. 

"Now the fun part begins. Time to get to work." Free slid off the bed and stretched, preparing his body for the long night ahead. Opening the bottom drawer to the nightstand by his bed, he stifled through a few loose objects before pulling out what he was looking for, A bottle of lube. Free threw it on the bed and picked up his phone to call Valt. 

Almost immediately the bluenette answered.

"Hey, You all set?" Valt's warm voice filtered through the speaker. Free smiled. 

"Yep. I got the cam all setup. You should read these comments, everyone's so impatient." 

Valt laughed. Free scanned the comments on the awaiting live stream. 13 thousand people were waiting just for him. But no one knew it was him. That's what Free loved most about doing this, about being a rising pornstar. Everyone loved him, his body, his moans, and yet not a single soul on that site knew that the guy riding that dildo was none other than Free de la Hoya, the world's number one blader.

And of course, when Free told Valt about his pornhub account and what he posts, he was eager to join.

"Mk I'm on my way. You sure you want to do this? I mean, there's many ways you can accidentally expose yourself on a live stream, Free."

Free rolled his eyes. "I'm aware of that Valt. It'll be fun, relax."

A knock on his door alerted Free that Valt was there. He ended the call and opened the door, smiling. Valt grinned back, grabbed Free by his belt, and pulled him to the bed. He pushed him down in front of the camera and sat behind him. Without turning it on, Valt began to unbuckle Free's belt. Slowly, teasingly. 

Free leaned back into Valt's chest, gasping whenever Valt's hand brushed across his rapidly hardening dick. Another soft hand slid across his neck and down his shoulder, pushing down the thin strap of his shirt. Lips touched his skin, and Free shivered.

"Valt..." He moaned softly.

Valt slid off Free's belt and dropped it to the floor with a quiet clang. He then grabbed the corner of his shirt and pulled it off. Valt cupped Free's cheek and turned his head back, kissing him. Free moaned, opening his mouth so that Valt's tongue could slip in. Valt pulled back after a minute or two, saliva connecting their tongues. He then helped Free out of his pants and boxers and in return Free helped him out of his.

Valt shifted behind Free and reached over to position the camera. His hand rested on Free's thigh and Free twitched slightly. Valt kissed his neck. "Mk," He said, "Start it up."

Free smiled and hit the play button. The live stream had started. Immediately thousands of comments flooded in, complimenting Free's body and wondering who was behind him. Free's arm, the banded one, was draped lazily over Valt's shoulder and out of the shot.

Valt slid his hand up Free's thigh and up his stomach. Free shivered and moaned. The audience loved that, sending in a whole bunch of hearts and telling him how hot he sounded. Free grinned, pleasure coursing through his veins from their praise. Valt's hand went lower, wrapping around his dick and squeezing gently, making a line of precum drip over his fingers. He kissed Free's neck again and Free let out a stuttering moan.

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