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Hello everyone!

Still Falling is completed over at my Ream, and I want to express my gratitude to everyone who has followed Finn and Amanda's story since I started writing covid year. I never thought I could finish one book, not to talk of two! As an emotional person who tends to feel things deeply, it was bittersweet ending the story since I'm very attached to the characters. I even talk about them with my sister like they're real people. :')

Following the end, I've paused updates on No Strings Attached on my Ream as I'm taking a break off writing for the rest of the year. I'm going through a creative slump and would like to focus on my finals and return to publishing what I write next year.

I've got lots of gratitude for my Ream subscribers. While I'll be keeping most of my works on my Ream, I'll be publishing novellas and poetry on here too, slow and steady. Since I will be taking a break, I'll be inactive on this app for long periods. If you need to reach me for any reason whatsoever, you can do so through my email or social media DMs.

And to my fellow writers, props to you for all the time, effort and passion you pour into your works. Whether you write for personal enjoyment or to engage an audience, your talent is exceptional. It is no easy feat.

I would like to join bookclubs to help get back the bookworm in me, so if you know any I could join, let me know! I appreciate smaller groups. Thank you!

 Thank you!

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