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   The bell for third period rang as students jumped from their seats to rush out of the classrooms

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The bell for third period rang as students jumped from their seats to rush out of the classrooms. The hallways were crowded, with shoulders bumping and hundreds of voices speaking at the same time.

     How could kids withstand this every day? He pondered this question since the very first day he introduced himself as their new teacher. He was surprisingly hired for the job.

   He taught at Kuoh Academy. A co-ed school, which used to be an all-girls private school back then until changes were incorporated.

The school was refreshing to him, there were nonstop noises and different faces everywhere he wandered. In his old place, it was quiet, with nobody pestering him for the bathroom or the lesson.

He sure didn't have the responsibility of dealing with rebelling students back at home either.

As he was walking through the hallways, some of his students greeted him. "Hi, Mr. L/n!"

   He responded with a simple wave and a small smile on his lips. He's on his break right now, and the academy was generous enough to give him an hour of break.

Instead of stuffing his face with food, he decided taking a little stroll around the hallways would be beneficial. He could catch some students doing something they aren't supposed do.

"Hey, let me see, too!"

He paused in his tracks to take a quick peek outside the window to catch Issei and his two perverted friends spying on the girl's kendo club building.

Issei was a regular boy with short spiky brown hair, with two short locks of hair behind his head, and light brown eyes that he regularly used to spy girls at school.

   He dealt with the three kids every now and then. They never learned their lesson, even if the girls brutally beaten them. He had to hand it to Issei and his friends, they were motivated and determined, but for the wrong reasons.

The kendo girls barged out of their building carrying their wooden kendo stick, their faces absolutely disgusted. They planned to beat Issei nonstop again since this regularly happens.

   He should step in quickly before the girls raise their sticks at him. He leaned his back against the bathroom door before opening it and turning around, entering the bathroom.

   Issei was sitting on the grass with his eyes looking at the girls with fear. Of course, his closest friends abandon him when he needs their help more than ever.

   He closes his eyes, preparing himself for the punishment for something he believes he doesn't deserve. But Issei hears the grass ruffling and the girls calling a familiar name.

"Mr. L/n!"

Issei's eyes sparkle as he sees one of his teachers approaching them with his signature charming smile. He wished he could have his damn smile, maybe the girls would love him if he did.

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