Campaign 2.4

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Faultline, was waiting, arrived to the meeting point earlier than everyone else that was apart of her group. The meeting point was by the Ferry Station North. Next to arrive was two members of Zero Gang. 03 and 04, A heavy hitter and a man after her own style of combat, combat assisted by the use of gunpowder and excessive budgets. 

Glancing at 04's gear, a Mossberg with a shortened barrel, the stock was shorter. In a holster she could see the grip of a Glock17 pistol with a compensator placed on the muzzle. She also noticed a few flashbangs on his belt.

"Seems like you are prepared for Urban combat. Got anything if we are outdoors?" Faultline asked, seeing if he was prepared for combat proper.

Moving aside the shoulder cape, tucked in a side holster was a FMG-9. She nodded, preferring to stick with her semi-automatic rifle. Regent and Tattletale were dropped off by the dogs that Bitch controlled. Next to arrive was Cricket, Stormtiger, Alabaster and Purity of Empire 88. 

"Well, wonderful. Children and Rogues. Just when I hoped that I'd be paired with people who are competent." Purity said, as she landed near the station, looking at Faultline, 03 and 04, along with the 2 undersiders.

"Cut back on Antagonism." 03 stated.

Next to arrive was Trickster and Genesis, who was in the appearance of a hybrid between a triceratops, bull and cyborg, thing.

"Apologize for the late arrival. I take it we are ready to launch the mission?" Trickster asked.

"Our destination is the ABB FOB and warehouse. Let's secure the building." 04 stated, as he began to walk.

Everyone nodded, expecting that for the plan. 04 lifting his fist and then pointing down the road with two fingers. The group walked on the road, staying low as he walked. Everyone else just walked normally, scanning the area for ABB patrols.

"So.....We got a lot of fire arms. Isn't this breaking the unwritten rule for capes?" Regent asked.

"In this case, we aren't expecting a fight against other capes, so we it's fine." Tattletale said.

"I could simply fly over and take the ABB out now. So we aren't wasting our time with this slow walk? Intimidation factor? Oh look, the Crime elements of the Bay are working together to destroy the ABB" Purity stated, using a mocking tone with the last statement.

03 turned to look at the beacon of light in the darkness.

"Bad idea. Mission objective is to wreck ABB operational capacities. Previous scouting had 04 deduce that this Forward Operating Base is a Logistical center for the Bombings, and a site of coordination. My bet, they have some strong firepower, and explosives that might even be able to break your defenses." 03 stated, his arm crossed as he was charging up his ability

"So what? We can take-" Stormtiger began.

03 held his hand to his ear and nodded. Tattletale also got a call and made an odd statement, "T, Green. Ok, Yeah. Just moving in now."

"The drug warehouse team has begun attack. Kaiser is being a bit difficult though." Tattletale said, looking at Purity, who sneered, "of course he is." she muttered under her breathe. 

"Garage team has begun, no issues so far. If you are a fast mover, we can approach on the roofs. I'll show you where we need to go. If you aren't a mover, 04 will lead the way" 03 said, as he squatted down and blasted air out from his feet, launching him into the sky with Purity. Stormtiger and Cricket joined after them, Trickster looking up and then shaking his head.

"Did you know he could fly?" Regent asked.

"It's closer to him just blasting air out of his feet with the jump." Tattletale said.

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