Campaign 2.7

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The Protectorate was getting ready, They gathered a team that they felt could handle the ABB's leader, Lung.

Miss Militia, Arms Master, Dauntlass, Assault, Battery, Velocity, New Wave and Baghdad. PRT agents were gearing up, getting containment foam and filling up darts with tranquilizers. The Wards were near by listening in.

Loop was in the room, arms crossed, tapping his foot with anxiety.

Arms Master stepped up, looking around.

"Alright everyone, I'm going to make this clear. We are facing Lung, consider him at the current moment a threat, but our goal here is to capture and end this rampage that he and his gang are throwing. With him in custody, this will be over faster, and we can focus on the upcoming endbringer threat with our full focus." Arms Master said.

Baghdad stepped forward.

"If I may, the person reporting of Lung's condition noted he was being lead by a member of his gang. He wore bandages over his eyes, may we presume he is not able to see at this moment. We should consider this a change in tactics, from a Raging Beast, to a Blind Berserker." He explained, resting a hand on the table.

"It has already been accounted for. My plan will be simple. Wards, you will be on perimeter duty, keep civilians out of the area. If the ABB have reserves, they can be repelled with your abilities, along with Glory Girl, Shielder and Laser Dream. Baghdad, I want you to try and pin Lung down with Manpower and Dauntless, keep him in place. You are Team 1. Lady Photon, FlashBang, and Miss Militia will be on standby if he breaks free, you are to keep him off balance and disoriented. They are team 2. Battery, Assault, Velocity, you are to deal with the gang members, attack them and get them out of the area, they are Team 3. PRT will use containment foam on the human gang members to make sure they do not escape. I will provide Teams 1 and 3 with injectors that are filled with a sedative that will incapacitate Lung. Once he is drugged the PRT agents will come in with Containment Foam sprayers and pin him down. With Lung's capture, we can assume that the ABB will begin to deescalate and then we will be able to capture Bakuda. With them both captured, the ABB most likely will not be able to continue this operation and retreat, weakened and a potential non threat in the future." Arms Master explained.

"Many moving parts and two few pins of steel. The harsh winds may break open the  shutters upon the frame." Baghdad said.

"Indeed." Miss Militia said, nodding along.

"You understood what he was talking about?" Battery asked.

"He's more worried that Lung, the harsh wind, will escape due to the frame, the Wards and PRT agents, maybe Lady P, Flash and Militia, won't be able to contain him." Loop explained.

"Then what are we?" Velocity asked.

"I think either the shutters or the a pin of steel." Loop suggested.

"Loop. If you may, have you had any information relayed back to yourself?" Arms Master asked.

Loop stepped forward, looked down at his watched, and closed his eyes, rubbing his temples as he got the information back in a controlled flow.

"I'm catching that I've done this part, 3 times.

Iteration 1: Timing needed to be adjusted due to the Team 2's early arrival and Lung detecting them. You advised that Baghdad be carried and dropped down on Lung in a human "Cannon ball" like strategy, Capture was successful, lead to injury of Velocity, Dauntlass, 3 PRT agents.

Iteration 2: Adjustments to the plan were a success, Lung was held down by Baghdad, Team 3 was able to capture the gang members and withdraw them, Empire 88 was spotted by Gallant, it was just Hookwolf who was observing. Adjustment was made to have Perimeter. Success was successful, was sent after operation was completed, unknown if further developments occured.

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