Campaign 2.6

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Taylor and Rachel arrived at the lighthouse meeting point. Climbing off Brutus, Rachel would scratch at the dog's side. Rachel wasn't a people person, but she could tell how people were, sometimes...maybe it was just Taylor she could read better. Entering the lighthouse, there were already villains inside.

Kaiser, covered head to toe in metal armor that looked like a mix of practical and ornate designs, with a crown of blades on his head. Flanking him was Fenja and Menja, dressed in their Valkyrie like armor, one carrying a sword and shield, the other a spear.

Only one Traveler was here, having a sun design on her red armored costume. Faultline sent two people, Newter, who was hanging on the wall, the orange skin with blue hair, making him very distinct. Under him was Labyrinth, who just had a cloak.

Sitting on an old chair was 07, they had a file open, and was reading through it. She looked relaxed in a way, though that might be the fact there was a pool of blood at her feet that was moving more like lava. 

Near by a man pulled a socket out of the wall and added it to a tinker tech device he was building. He wore a long body cloak that covered most of his body, a helmet that had many circular tinted half domes all around, and he wore what looked like an odd woven texture body suit. 

"You know which one that is?" Taylor asked Rachel.

"Nope, don't care either." Rachel said.

"Well. Since everyone has arrived, let's begin. Watches out everyone." Kaiser seemingly commanded.

Everyone looked at their own way of tracking time, from watches, to phones, to 07 making an analogue clock face out of blood, and looking at her own watch. The tinkerer didn't even seem to notice, as he combined two items together and drew out a set of needles and slid them into the device.

"Set time to 4:40. The attack begins in 5 minutes. We will use this time to get into position and decide on the methods of attack." Kaiser explained

Without any objections, Rachel made her move of strength, having her dog dog grow and shake, splattering mostly everyone with blood, 07 was the exception, because, it was blood, she controlled blood. Rachel climbed onto the dog and left the lighthouse, pleased with herself. Everyone followed soon after, moving towards the target.

Taylor would walk up to the Zero Gang Tinkerer, seeing he was moving with a rigidity in a way.

"So.....which number are you?" Taylor asked.

"05. The favor is still in play. However.....There is something we'd like to ask of you. Would you be willing to have your brain scanned for us?" 05 asked, rather directly.

"Why do you need a scan of my brain?" Taylor asked.

"A project of sorts. We seek to find patterns in Parahuman neural patterns, primarily in Tinkers, Thinkers, Strangers and Shakers, I am attempting to decipher if there is a difference based on power categories." 05 noted.

"Ok... that's interesting. Why is 07 being now?" Taylor asked.

"I don't speak for her, can't say much on why she does what she does. If I had to bet, her reasoning is more to spite New Wave than actually become the next Marquis, with everything she's doing, it seems pretty clear." 05 noted.

Taylor moved on, speaking with the next person.

"" 05 said.

"Attack on ABB F.O.B in the docks is about to launch. Rune and Victor just raided a construction site for nearly every bit of loose Rebar. T Minus 150 seconds till the attack begins." 06 said into his ear over the radio.

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