Campaign 2.8

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Shadow Stalker was annoyed. Annoyed at Loop, he wore that damn mask covering his face, so it was hard for her to judge him accurately. He thought he was better than her. Now he's looking after that bug, threatening her cause she wanted to make his sister stronger, have the dumb bitch stand up for herself, have her be anything other than a coward who hides and doesn't even speak up for herself.

Loop was out on patrol, the Cocoon was still there. She could cut it open, see what falls out. It would piss a few people off. Kid Win scanned it, said it was a soup in there. The bimbo and wimp from New Wave even saw it. Little miss cure it all said she couldn't understand it, there was nothing to build around, and the blonde bimbo wanted to read stories to the damn thing. It was clearly just a fucking ball with something in it, and they were acting like it was a child.

Looking around and stopping by Loop's room, she decided to step inside. The door was locked, but, that wasn't much of an obstacle to her.

Phasing through the wall into Loop's room was easy. She stepped through and saw the empty room he kept. Somehow this was what she expected of him, bare necessities and boring. Walking over to the nightstand, she opened the drawer, maybe there would be something interesting inside. Inside was a stack of books. 

One on Greek Mythology with pages dog eared through out the book. Next was a book called "Losing one self", several thin sticky notes were inside, marking pages.

As boring as she expected of him. Under it was a journal. Picking it up, she opened it, planning to see if it was a personal or his recording journal.  The first page was empty, untitled, and just had 2 columns basically.

A 5
G 7
KW 15
V 9
SS 29
B 3

Am 2
M 5
D 3
As 4
B 7
V 5
T 6

K 1
HW 1
P 1
F&M 2
C 0
N 0
F 1
A 5
ST 4
Cr 8
V 4
O 5
R 10

L 1
OL 3?
B 0

C 0

S 7
M 8
Sq 0

U 13
L 18

G 0
R 1
T 1
B 0
S 0

The first page had tally marks following letters, what did they mean? She flipped the page, topping some ways in the middle, she opened it.

Profile: Fenja and Menja 
Name: Jessica and Nessa Biermann
Position: E88 heavy hitters
Powers: Growth and proportional damage reduction
Strategy for results
Traps? Binding of limbs and pitfalls, gravity traps, limit movement abilities
Powers? Attempts to overwhelm in combat are possible, focus on one at a time
Weapons? limited options, heavy ordinance and vehicles prove to be effective, use of industrial vehicles show best potential
Tactic to remove early: Sneak attack with them as target, disable while in base to 1 story tall

He knew their actual identities? He was willing to break the unwritten rules? A bit of credit, this could be useful come the next few weeks when the PRT's focus shifts from the ABB towards Empire 88. Knowing who they were made arresting them easier, less places to hide, less resources to use.

Flipping to a further page, more towards the back.

Profile: Coil
Name: Unknown
Position: Crime Boss/network hub?
Powers: Unknown
Strategy for results
Traps? slippery, escapes before able
Powers? Can't confirm success
Weapons? avoided potential attacks
Tactic to remove early
None currently known possibly related to powers

What was this? He basically had nothing on Coil? It made sense in a way she guessed, but Coil basically never did anything himself, he was the financer/planner. She then looked towards the front, looking for one person, herself. What did he have on her?

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