Part 16

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Its almost Christmas. literally everyone is so chatty that Severus has to yell at my class every day just to get them to shut up. and can I just say that he is both super sexy and super scary when he's mad.

I've been wearing long sleeves a lot. the new scars still haven't healed. its been a month now. I just want to be on the safe side though. I don't want Severus or one of my friends to ask questions. thankfully its getting colder out so I'm more comfortable wearing hoodies inside.

Lockhart has been trying to get closer to me. I make up excuses to get out of his class as fast as possible. I still haven't told Severus what happened. I'm scared that if I do he will either get mad at me or kill Lockhart. and as much as I want the latter, I cant have my boyfriend killing people.

I enter Snape's classroom. I'm just on time. I got held up in the hallway because Peeves decided to throw his stupid water balloons and I am NOT getting my hair wet. absolutely not. 

"good evening miss Lestrange" Severus says to me. I looked up at him and smiled a little. it was hard not to. he was so handsome. though many disagree. 

"good evening professor" I say politely. I get my supplies out as Severus starts the lesson. 

after class I slowly pick up my things. this was my last class of the day so I was in no hurry to leave. and I figured I had maybe an hour or two before the detention kids got here. as soon as the last student left, Severus shut and locked the door. I was still pretending to put my stuff away when he grabbed me by my wrist and spun me around and pressed his lips to mine. I winced slightly but it was enough for him to notice.

"what is it?" he asked pulling away from me. I didn't want to answer. I hated lying to him.  hes not an idiot. 

I look down at the ground. I really did not want to say anything. he gently lifted my chin so I had to look into his beautiful eyes. I swallowed. 

"whats wrong y/n" he asked again. he rarely used my first name. I knew I had to at least show him the scars. 

I sighed and slowly lifted my sleeve up. until all the newer scars were showing. they were still kinda red and starting to scab over. they hurt a lot when I touched them or moved my wrist the wrong way. 

I heard him gasp slightly. I couldn't make myself look at him. I stared at the table next to us. I could feel his gaze on me. his hand gently grabbed my arm as he examined the scars. he was so unbelievably gentle. you wouldn't expect a hard, strict teacher like him to be so so careful.

after what felt like forever he finally spoke. his voice sounded sad and not at all what I expected it to be. "y/ love why did you do to me, my little serpent." he said. he lead me over to his office chair and sat down. I sat on his desk facing him. I didn't meet his gaze.

I spilled everything. about lockhart. about my previous cutting. everything. when I finished I almost flinched at the look in Severus's eyes. anger and very obvious danger was prominent. usually the danger is there but you have to really look to see it but now it was very much there and very easy to see. 

"Severus?" I say. 

he gritted his teeth and clenched his fist. "he did what?!" he yelled and I flinched. he paused for moment. then immediately softened a little. "don't be scared of me, my little serpent. you know I'd never hurt you. now you stay here. I'm going to go talk to Dumbledore. this has to be addressed" he goes to get out of his chair but I stopped him. "no...please. can we keep this between us..? please..." I begged him. but he shook his head. 

"darling this is serious. I can't have you hurting like this with that monster around."

and the he left the room. leaving me alone. 

after winter break was over I walked into my defense against the dark arts class. I was super nervous. but the first thing I noticed was the stupid decorations were gone. and they were replaced with different things. There was a replica of the full moon on the professor's desk and box of chocolate bars next to it. 

I was confused but sat down a long with the other students. thankfully I wasn't the only confused one. 

then a tall man in a brown raggedy suit came through the door. he had scars on his face and his light chocolate brown hair was shaggy. his eyes were filled with joy and something else I couldn't quite put my finger on. 

he was intriguing and that was before he spoke in a deep but light voice. 

"hello class. I'm you're new professor, Professor Lupin" 

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