Part 17

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After class ended I was packing up to go to Potions. I needed to talk to Severus. why was there a new DADA teacher? what happened to Lockhart? I had too many questions. I was also furious. I had told Severus in confidence what had happened. and he went and told someone else. 

I walked into class early. but sadly there were already two students in class sitting down. I would have to wait until after to talk to him. Severus must have noticed that I looked mad because he stiffened a bit and didn't meet my gaze. 

the whole class period I didn't look at him nor did I pay any attention. I just sat there being angry and thinking about what I was going to say to him once we were alone. as class dragged on, I got madder and madder. how could he have told? I trusted him. how can I tell him things now? I don't even know if I trust him anymore. 

finally after what seemed like hours the bell rang signalling the end of class. I pretend to pack up but once the last student is out of the room I use my wand to shut and lock the door then I turn to Severus. 

"what the hell did you do??" I say trying not to scream. 

he calmly looked at me. "what are you talking about?" that made me  more angry. he wasn't stupid. he knew what I was talking about.

"you know what I'm talking about. why is Lockhart gone?" I say almost growling. 

"oh that. I told Dumbledore what you told me and Dumbledore fired him and hired the wer- the new guy" he says calmly. I clench my fists and grit my teeth. I was so mad at him right now. I was seeing red.

"what the hell Severus. I trusted you with that information. I didn't want anyone knowing about it. how could you betray me like that" I say tears threatening to spill but I held them back. I was not going to cry in front of him right now. I refused. I wasn't going to break down in front of him. not right now. 

severus stood up and walked over to me. he went to touch me and i pushed his hand away. i didnt want him near me right now. i was angry at him. "no. dont touch me. i cant trust you anymore" i said.

 i could see his heart breaking. his eyes looked hurt. I noticed he never really showed any emotion around anyone but me. even then he rarely showed emotion. but right now he looked heartbroken.

"y/n.." he tried but i cut him off. 

"no. i dont want to see you anymore." i say as i grab my backpack. "we're done, Severus" 

with that I leave the room. leaving him alone.


A/N: Hi guysss. sorry not sorry for the cliffhanger :) 

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