Judge #1: RachelM477

26 3 1

Genres I judge for: Romance, rom-com, Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Horror, and Mystery. 

Genres I don't judge for: Fanfiction, Non-fiction, and anything else not listed above. 

Payment: Follow all the rules and regulations, follow me, and read at least 1 chapter of my latest novel: The Cat with a Special Gem. Also, vote for that story. The more parts you read and vote for, the more of a chance you'll win!

Books I'm assigned to read: 



Phoenix - Consumption

Q&A With RachelM477 

 Do you want to include reviews in your judging statement? 

Yes, I will include reviews on the books that I read in my judging statement. 

How many books will you read? 

It depends on the time. So far, I'm going to be reading a minimum of 5, and a maximum of 50. 

How much words do you want to read inside each book?

For short stories: For short stories, I've got to admit that short stories will score higher, and they're word count will be fresh and smooth. I've got to say that I'll read a minimum of 800 words for each short story. There will be no limit, but the story must be one part. No chapters. 

For Novels and Chapter Books: For novels, I've got to tell you that some of them are GREAT, and some of them. . . I'm not as interested. Depending on the amount of time I have, I'll recommend reading about 1,500 words to 50,000 words. 

How does the work/book impress you?

To be honest, it has to be entertaining. To be entertaining, I cannot tell you. It depends on how much dialogue there is and how much action it has inside. 

That was a hit! If you have any more questions, please comment below! 


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