Review: The Flowercrown of Poison

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Thoughts: Honestly, I don't really know what to think of it. 

Chapters I read: 4

Total chapters: 6

Part 2 Section

Dialogue: (10/10) 

To be honest, this dialogue was interesting. It was more fascinating than I thought it would be. I loved it!

Show, Don't Tell Rule: (10/10)

Great job on this. This is one of those novels that. . . you know. . . HAS GREAT SHOWING INSTEAD OF TELLING!

Characters: (1/10)

I'm sorry to say this but. . . I didn't really like them as much as I did with the other novels I reviewed. Doing and saying all of this made my heart cry. I didn't want to say it, I'm supposed to be a nice person, not a mean one ):

Setting: (10/10)


Pacing: (10/10)


Plot: (10/10)

Good work! This has been awesome!

Story/writing: (10/10)

Still impressed. . . YOU DID AMAZING!

Total: 61/70

Percent: 98%

Dang, writers! You're doing amazing. . . The other book I just reviewed was good, but this book. . . scored ONE point higher! You 'all are amazing. Nice work!

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