Reviews: Phoenix - Consumption

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Thoughts: This read took me 4 hours to read the whole thing - to be honest though, I did enjoy this. Remember that these are just REVIEWS and aren't the final answers. Anyway, this book is 100% recommended! This is one of the highest-scored books. . . that is so far. This has a good description, fully-developed characters, follows the show, doesn't tell rule 100%, and follows almost everything. The only thing I'm wondering about is - there's barely any dialogue. And I don't mean this to be rude, but I couldn't tell who was talking. If putting stuff other than quotation marks is your habit, please let me know. I wasn't trying to blame you. Please note that, but other than that, this is the highest-scored book so far!

Status: Ongoing

Mature? Yes

Chapters read: So far, I've read almost the whole book. I'm reaching the end of chapter 34. Even though the author's still working on it, I've got to say I love this!

Total Chapters: 35 total chapters

Recommend yes/no: Why no? This novel is for anyone and everyone who loves adventure and action stories! 

Part II Section

Characters: (10/10)

The characters were the best part of this. The characters were fully-developed and the author did not explain too much about the characters, or too little. This is, of course, a 10 out of 10 review for the characters. Please keep this amazing work up author! I'm loving this! 

Setting: (10/10)

Of course the author SHOWED the story instead of TELLING the story. The setting really did impress me. In fact, it impressed me more than the characters. The world is described, mostly without using the five senses, and I can paint the PERFECT picture in my head of this. 

Plot: (10/10)

The plot was the best part. It was unique, it sounds fun, and of course, it's full of STORY! What do I mean by story? What I mean is the description, the characters, and the setting is so fascinating, and it took off at just the right time. 

Pacing: (10/10)

Wow. . . this is the best pacing I've ever read. Writer, you need to write more books once when you're done with this one. . . I think that you're denfinintly going to be a winner in this contest. I mean that for sure! Great job!

Description: (12/10)

Why can't I saw no? This is the moment that you've been waiting for. The description brought up the writer TWO extra bonus points, and that's why the score's not exact! Thank you for your hard work. You're description is impressive. 

Show, Don't Tell Rule: (11/10)

This follows the show, don't tell rule perfectly. I gave you ONE extra bonus point on this one too! You're still doing amazing, keep it up!

Dialogue: (8/10, 3 points for effort, 5 points for top ten people who entered this contest (: 

The dialogue is where you went down. I couldn't tell who was talking. Some of the sentences were too short, and the word, 'said,' was repeated too much. Don't worry though! These scores can and will change if you spruce up the dialogue. I gave you three points for your effort, and I've decided that the first TEN people to enter this contest will get FIVE bonus points. So there you go!

Story/Writing: (9/10)

This whole thing is amazing! The 9 out of ten is because of. . . the dialogue. Other than that, you're all set and with an AMAZING score of. . . 

Total points: 80 POINTS!!!!

Percent: 100% 

Wow, I am still relieved that this story is my favorites. I barely read and this story was what got me into reading more! Now I'm reading more than half of the time! I'm literally about to cry because of it. Thank you so much writer for making this happen. . . you made a big change for BOTH you and me!

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