Troll of Yom ii

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Book Four
Volume 11
Ch. 144 Troll of Yom ii


I fell asleep up until we began arriving at a village that stood in between Iceland and the mainland

Except what woke Me up wasn’t the ship's docking. But someone’s gaze from far above

I open My eyes

I sit up as Thors looks up at the cliffs 

The grass around the village before us was inconsistent. There were large patches of dirt without any crops.

I look up at the cliffs above us

“That’s weird, I could’ve sworn there were more houses.” The old man Leif leading the ship says

“Well shit” I stand up

“Turn these ships around.” Thors tells the boys

It’s an ambush. No doubt.

Before we could make it back out onto the sea the Vikings that had been stalking us showered us with the debris they got from tearing the houses apart

They blocked the only way out and quickly swarmed us with their ships before taking aim with their bows above us.

“F-father? I-I’m scared.” Thorfinn cowers behind Me as I stand tall and cross My arms besides Thors

“Quit being so pathetic, boy.”

“Here,” Thors kneels beside him, “only use this knife as a last resort.”

I was ready to draw My blade but Thors grabbed My wrist. I glare at him as I use all the strength I had, but he holds a firm grip

“You don’t have to kill, Kara.”

“What happened to protecting what is ours?”

“Tell Me, is there really something here that you genuinely yearn to protect?”

“Thorfinn, no?” I scoff

“And you honestly believe the only way you can do that is with a blade?”

“Taking the life of your enemy is easy, Kara. Sparing them is not.”

“Alright.” I yank My arm back

“You all stand back. Kara and I will keep you from harm.” 

“Tch.” I roll My eyes.

Thors jumps onto the first ship as I lunge onto the second one that pulled besides us

They all come at Me at once

Without a drop of coordination.

I slip under someone’s fist and uppercut his elbow

“Gah!” He groans as I grab his wrist and swing him around into the oafs charging at me

I step aside and tilt My head as someone’s blade grazes My hair from behind

I turn My body, step back, and elbow whoever tried to split My skull from behind 

I lean back after another tried to take My nose off before I was forced to lean even further when the guy in front of Me tried to impale Me with his sword

I transition into a handstand and lock the guy's arm between My knees. I turn My body and toss him overboard before jumping back to My feet

I twist and danced around them until there was one left. Their captain I presume.

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