The Land if Fire ii

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Book Four
Volume 11
Ch. 148 The Land if Fire ii


“I come to you with a proposal. One that will be of benefit to our nation's alike.” Itachi says

“And what might that be?”

“Well, for starters. I would like to hold off the industrialization of our continent for as long as possible.

There is far too much tension between the nations, opening the gate to a nuclear armory is the last thing we need.”

“So what exactly do you want from Me?”

“A rebellion is brewing in the Uchiha clan. After the festival tonight they plan to invade the village while they indulge in their drunkenness.

“I want you to assist me to see that doesn’t happen.”

“Hmh.” I smile “you do know what you’re asking of me, right?”

“Yes. Yes I do.”

“Then consider it done.”

He turns around and disappears into the darkness

“That Itachi guy is pretty cute if you ask Me” Esdeath nudges My arm

Tsukuyomi, huh? At the age of thirteen no less.

He must’ve explained everything to her there

A fight with him would be interesting.

Still, he has quite a ways to go.

“What? We still have to kill Emperor Caesar Makoto tonight, don’t we?”

“You’ll do just fine on your own.” I shrug

“Was that a compliment?” She raises an eyebrow

“Like hell.”

“Minister Honest didn’t say anything about-.”

“Don’t you get it, Esdeath? We’re being Blackmailed, whoever came to an agreement with Minister Honest will make sure to it that the Emperor gets back home.”

“Oh-.” She pouts

“I’ll be back by morning.”

“You-.” Before I could hear it from her I teleport Myself to Itachi's side, who was looming over the village

“What’s up with that guy?” I ask about the guy with a twirly mask on his face

“Tobi.” He said though clearly an alias.

His mask swirls around, revealing his half scared face

“You’ll be in charge of disposing of the woman and children. Tobi will dispose of the military police’s force.”

“What about you?” I smile at Itachi

“I’ll deal with my family.” He goes on his way

“Quick and painless deaths, don’t even let them see you coming.” Tobi stands up

“That’s no fun.” I draw My blade.

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