Chapter 14 : See Ya Around

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There were many people he considered as treasures in his life. Well, aside from his equally boisterous mother and sister, that was. Yup, his friends went on the roster of the list as well. But there's also his teammates.

Ride or die, they held onto each other like family. It was even safe to say that they were all brothers from another mothers now, If you know what he meant by that.

There's Shino, and being Shino meant saying stuff that sometimes caused him too much information he never really needed. Well, it's okay to agree that sometimes he had a point. Well, that was just sometimes!

 At first though, he really thought that the guy's bugs would not be good for Akamaru, but in due time they learned how to settle.

Then the shy and a little bit weird Hinata, was like the eye of the storm of their team when they were younger. She was kind and she always brought their team in peace, when he and that mysterious-eyed Shino would get into meaningless bickering. He didn't know but he and Shino were always compelled to protect her back then.

But now. Ha! Hinata was still timid and all, but he couldn't help to agree that she had this bad-ass side to her. She improved a lot, that he could say. Eventhough, there were still things that never seemed to change. Like that....


Oh God. Before, she would always say his name like a hopeless kitten waiting behind a tree. Hmm... Come to think of that, she said his name less now.

Tch! That's right! Might've been because the stupid-faced blonde was hanging out a lot with her recently. Needless to say, Hinata didn't seem to pass out around Naruto anymore, the stuttering had also been lessened and she seemed to giggle more openly nowadays. Naruto and Hinata...

He sighed at the thought, but he couldn't help the little smile to form on his face. They're getting really close, huh?

As an Inuzuka, he was known to be very keen in details and that Uzumaki Naruto was not exempted.

He knew when that stupid Naruto would 'intentionally' brush his hand against Hinata's whenever the two would walk side by side. Okay, fine. He was not actually certain if Naruto was actually doing it intentionally or not, but come on!

Just hold her damn hand, Idiot!

And whenever they would all train together, Naruto would have that dumb look on his face while It's Hinata's turn to fight.

And how could he miss Naruto's proximity on Hinata's face whenever they would talk. Had someone not really thought that wussy any sense of personal space?! Good lord! 

He was just praying that Hinata won't faint, but their girl was tougher now. He scoffed at the thought on how she would act casually at Naruto's 'advances'.

Tch! Advances... he scoffed inwardly.

As if that knucklehead knows how to advance!

And when they were laughing...that Naruto would instantly turn to Hinata as they shared the laughter and the giggles, when it's them, the whole of Konoha 11 minus 1 in the room!

They both surely know how to make the people around them invisible and it's making all of them very uncomfortable. Just imagine what kind of tension they brought into the room when they're together.

Surely, he couldn't blame Hinata. Everybody knew how she felt, well not unless you're that damn bastard Naruto, whose head was the thickest in the whole Konoha!

Now, thinking of it all sure made him annoyed. Don't get him wrong. He was not vexed that they were finally getting closer. Ever since during the war, he was beginning to smell a juvenile kind of connection between the two. But good grief! They were in their late teens already! 

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