Grad Delusion Imaginary Ultimatum, Gwydion

4 1 0

Grade: 3
Power: 11,000
Critical: 1
Unit type: Normal
Clan: Shadow Legion
Race: Shadling
Nation: Dark Zone

Flavor text: "I'm only doing what you called is fun. If your "evil" is the reason why this world hasn't fall into ruin, then l'II gladly tear it down!"

[AUTO](VC): 1/turn: When this unit's attack did not hit, cost:[Cblast 1 & retire two rear-guards] look at the top three cards of your deck, choose up to three "Li'l Shade" from among them, call them to (RC), and discard the rest. Then, if your drop has ten or more "Li'I Shade", [Stand] this unit, and it gets drive drive-2 until end of turn.
[AUTO](VC): Limit Break 4: When this unit is attacked, cost:[put seven "Li'l Shade" from dropon the bottom of the deck in any order], and this unit cannot be hit until end of that battle.

(Lore: An imaginary form that Li'l Shade took after learning the existence of Earth's powerful ancient figures. After embracing the essence of Earth's corrupt system, Li'l Shade has achieved his desire for a perfect form. After returning to Cray under the name of Gwydion the Laughing Jester, he tested his newfound powers by killing the strongest mutant, Darkface. After the army of Megacolony witnessed Gwydion's powers firsthand, Gredora, the Queen of Megacolony felt fear by simply glancing at Gwydion's sinister smile that was filled with malice.)

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