In-training Oracle, Mari

2 0 0

Grade: 1
Power: 7000
Critical: 1
Shield: 10,000
Unit type: Normal
Clan: Shadow Legion
Race: Human
Nation: Dark Zone

Flavor text: "I forgive you... for now."

[CONT](RC)GB:2: During your turn, if you have a grade 4 vanguard with "Pedri" in its card name, this unit gets [Power]+7000
[AUTO](RC/Hand) When your vanguard is chosen by your opponent's card effects or being attacked by your opponent's units, if you have grade 3 or greater vanguard, cost: [put this card into drop), and perform one of the following. This ability may only be used by a card with the same card name once a turn.
•Nullified the effect until end of turn.
•Choose one of your units, and it cannot be hit until end of that battle.

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