Servant to the Throne, Vial-morta

2 0 0

Grade: 1
Power: 7000
Critical: 1
Shield: 10,000
Unit type: Normal
Clan: Shadow Legion
Race: Warbeast
Nation: Dark Zone

Flavor text: "A mere servant is just a stepping stone for their master's never-ending ambition."

[AUTO]: When this unit is placed on (RC) from hand, cost:[reveal a grade 3 card from hand), search your deck for up to one grade 3 card with "Pedri" in its card name, reveal it and put it into hand, shuffle the deck, choose a card from your hand, and discard it.
[ACTI(RC): If you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard, cost:[[Rest] this unit], choose one of your vanguards, and it gets "[CONT](VC): All of your rear-guards get [Power]+3000." until end of turn

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