Nightmare Shade

5 1 0

Grade: 3
Power: 13,000
Critical: 1
Unit type: Normal
Clan: Shadow Legion
Race: Shadling
Nation: Dark Zone

Flavor text: "Dun Dun Duuuun!"

[CONT](Deck/Drop): This card is also regarded as "Li' Shade".
[AUTO]: When this unit is placed on (RC), for every five "Li'l Shade" in your drop, your opponent chooses a card from their hand, and discards it. If your drop has ten or more "Li'l Shade", this unit gets [Power] +15,000/[Critical]+1 until end of turn.
[AUTO]: When this unit is retired from (RC), if you have a vanguard with "Gwydion" in its card name, reveal the top two cards of your deck, call all "Li'l Shade" from among them to (RC), and discard the rest

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