Chapter 34.

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Wukong and Macaque entered the temple. The temple doors closed with a loud bang. Wukong shuddered. They walked along the corridor. Blue torches burned as if they were mortal souls. Unexpectedly, Mac. he stepped on the button. The ceiling started shaking.
"That doesn't sound good at all," Wukong said.
They started running straight ahead. Deadly spikes began to fall from the ceiling. They finally emerged from the tunnel. In front of them was a large painting of a woman. Behind them, a blue mist began to gather. They nodded to each other knowingly. Mother. With a strong blow of his hand, he broke the wall, releasing a huge blue cloud, and a large skull emerged from it.
But what is the situation with Monkie Kid? Let's see.
During this time, our hero unlocked new powers, saved the city from the great dumpling, and even became acquainted with the lady bone demon.
And at that moment MK, Mei and Sandy were on FFM. MK wanted to find something that would increase his power. Well, unfortunately, the apartment of the mystical monkeys turned out to be an ordinary apartment, without any dangerous cool things. Mei was sitting on the sofa watching TV, and Sandy was looking for something useful for MK. And MK was wandering back and forth.
-What exactly are we looking for? - Mei asked.
-Something that will help me beat someone, or rather I just want to be stronger to beat everyone.
-Oh, and what's in that room? - she pointed at the closed door.
-Bedroom, I guess?
-So you don't know? Maybe we'll check it out, hmm?
-I don't want to rummage through their things.
-Isn't it like we're in their apartment right now and searching through their things?
-Well, a little?
-Hey, I find some tea? Somebody wants? Sandy said. Showing them a transparent thermos filled with tea.
-Sandy, are you sure this is tea? Does it look quite unusual? Mei said.
-Maybe it's magic tea? -said MK.
-Maybe? I honestly have never seen a tea like this, but I read that a certain flower gives this color, even a small amount can prove fatal or can cure, something like that. I do not remember exactly. - said Sandy, he opened more cabinets, which were filled with thermoses of tea, also large amounts of painkillers, and first aid kits.
-Yhh... why does the monkey king need so much tea and medicine? - Mei said.
-Maybe he likes this tea.
-Okay, but all these medications?
-Okay, it's none of our business, maybe he has secured himself for the future, you know, he's immortal.
MK thought about it later, yes he was aware of Wukong's illness, but how serious was it?
In the spider's abode.
-We're still missing a few ingredients. - said the young girl. The hologram featured objects such as the monkey king's lacquer, a shadow lamp and a flower (the one from the tea is made).
-Wukong! Mac shouted. he quickly teleported Wukong to another place where there was no avalanche of arrows.
After all this, they quickly left the temples with nothing.
-We're going home. - said the warrior firmly.
-We can't, we haven't found anything, we still have to...
-NO. You see? You're still not in the best shape. I shouldn't have let you do this at all.
-Wukong. We have nothing.
-I know. All we're left with is...
-Just what? Samadhi fire map? Forget it. Even if by some miracle Nezha gave it back to us, which is impossible, we don't know if it will work. The crown was only detained for a moment, Wukong.
-What? No, I'm fine now.
-You can not fool me. I see you are shaking and trying to stay on your feet with your last strength.
-This fire could fix that.
-Or destroy you completely.
-At least let us talk to Nezha.
-I'm skeptical about this.
-Please, let's just talk, we can try and if it doesn't work, we'll go home.
Wukong looked at the warrior with those irresistible eyes. Mother. he rolled his eyes.
-Agreed, but if it doesn't work out, we'll go straight home and no more adventures, at least for a while, until you regain your strength.
-Agree. - Wukong smiled and kissed his beloved on the cheek, and the warrior pushed him away with a smile.
Hi everyone 😊, did you miss me? Or rather the story? 😉
Yeah! I'm back, baby! It's not the best chapter I've ever written, but it's there (enjoy it).

I bought a laptop and naively thought that Word would be free, just like I had on my old laptop, but it's not, you have to pay and now I'm stuck😭
I still need to buy Adobe because I need it for my studies.
You're here to read the story, not my complaints😆.

Anyway, I'll try to post new chapters every week

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