That web girl

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Long chapter.

"You know what would be better? If maybe-"

Winter's voice stopped and so did everyone else in the classroom, as heels and unmistakable voices echoed throughout the room.

Ryujin didn't need to turn around to look at the people who had arrived, she just looked at the expressions of Karina, Chaeryeong and Winter and rolled her eyes, knowing perfectly well who it was.

Hwang Yeji and her minion of followers, as she called it, that group of girls that no one wanted to mess with, the typical popular girls in college who were rude and sassy, but she was the worst of all, for Ryujin.

A couple of semesters ago, Ryujin had entered university and had made friends with the good students, but that didn't mean that they were boring, they also went to parties or participated in group outings, so she didn't have any problems in joining them.

But, the first time she saw Yeji, she didn't know why she had the feeling that she would hate her.

"Get out of the way, you idiot."

Yeji said when a boy tried to pass by her, to leave class and she pushed him, while her other friends began to laugh and several other people in the classroom.

Her orange hair, her cat eyes, and her body attracted the attention of everyone, even some professors, since she was always in charge of wearing chic and fashionable clothes that highlighted her figure and her features.

She was also the captain of the cheerleading team and her life was perfect for everyone to see.

"Ugh, the brainless ones have arrived." Chaeryeong whispered, staring at the tall, thin redhead standing next to Yeji.

"What a bad way to ruin my day." Ryujin said, with all the intention of being heard, her voice was clear and loud enough for Yeji, who was walking with her friends to the back seats, to hear.

The orange-haired girl rolled her eyes and tried to ignore her, sitting with her friends, who immediately started asking her questions.

"How did it go?" Giselle asked her immediately. "You managed... Well, you know."

Yeji rolled her eyes and smiled, as she took out the laptop.

"Do you think we can talk about that later? Now I want to focus on class." Yeji said, as she looked at her reflection on the laptop screen and adjusted her hair.

"Pffft! We want to know everything. Will we have to wait until the break?" Lia said making a gesture with her face and Yuna laughed.

Yeji shrugged and then looked ahead to see Ryujin as she laughed out loud with her friends, something that made her stomach twist.

"I don't know what everyone see. She isn't even attractive." Yeji whispered and Lia frowned at her.

"Talking to yourself again? Stop thinking about Shin Ryujin and tell us how it went."

Fortunately, Lia only whispered, no one else besides Yeji could hear, but she still hit her friend on the forearm and continued with her business, ignoring her friends' constant questions.

"Well you can't deny that she is very pretty." Karina said and Ryujin snorted.

"And what about what's here?" The short-haired woman pointed to her head, while the others laughed. "To be pretty you need more than a pretty face."

In a few seconds, the room was filled with people and the history class teacher arrived, giving his boring class as always, but without failing in his constant glances at Yeji.

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