Attempted Breakout

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

(Master to Kitten, Kitten to Master)

[Kitten speech]



The minister had learned that the dark lord was planning to break out his followers from Azkaban. Too bad for him he had already taken precaution. He made sure the followers were taken to maximum security. Now most people didn't know that in maximum security there were no dementors. No, there was something much worse. Maximum Security held furies. These types of furies made one feel their victims' pain.

They were immune to magic. The only reason they worked there was because they were given a good meal and they hated these criminals and wanted them to pay. They would never allow Voldemort to take them nor would they join them. He was able to get them moved since the convicted Death Eaters had rioted a few days after their lord returned. No doubt the mark on their arms had alerted them.

At the moment he was going to Azkaban to talk to the head Fury. He wanted to inform her of the dark lord's plan. He made sure to never anger them and he knew that not telling her would do just that. He soon stepped foot on the island.

"Good evening Minister." The guard greeted.

"Good morning auror Filch." He greeted them back.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" They asked.

"No but thank you for asking. I have a meeting with the head of the furies." He answered.

"Good luck sir." He said.

"Thank you." He knew he would need it.

Fudge made his way to maximum security. He talked to the guard before going through. It wasn't long until he was in the head Fury office. She looked at him with cold eyes and wondered what he wanted to talk to her about.

"My spy told me the Dark Lord plans to break out his death eaters tonight." He informed her.

"I see. Thank you for telling me. He's going to find that to be impossible." She smirked.

"You're welcome. Now I am well aware you and your furies can handle yourself but if you need anything please let me know." He said.

"Would you like those that attack to be dead or alive?" She asked.

"Alive but if you kill them then that is their fault for attacking a fury." He shrugged.

"Indeed." She agreed.

"How are the prisoners?" He asked.

"Begging to die." She answered.

"Guess they can take what they once were doing." He smirked.

"No they can't." She smirked back.

"Well, I must take my leave." He said.

"Of course. Thank you once more for informing me." She said.

"You are most welcome." He said before leaving.

Fudge went home after that. He was still worried but knew there wasn't much he could do. The guards, his aurors, and the furies all knew what was going to happen and were prepared. Still he just wished that this was all over and he could go back to the wizarding world being mostly at peace. He had just finished dinner when an auror contacted him.

"They tried to invade sir." The auror informed him.

"What happened?" He asked.

"They didn't know they had been moved but they did try to get control of the dementors. That failed. They kept them at bay and searched the prison. Finding the furies they left. Not before the furies managed to capture three death eaters. They caught Crabbe, Goyle, and Nott." He answered.

Master and His KittenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora