Past Time

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The Reaper had learned that there was no love in Yanagisawa and Aguri's relationship and that she had a little sister. Soon enough, it had been nearly a year since they'd met. Aguri had been meaning to meet up with her sister for dinner that night, but she never made it. Just before that, though, she had given Korosensei a present: his crescent moon tie, which he could not yet physically receive. And on top of that, she gave him a birthday. March 13th, the anniversary of the day they met. He was finally capable of a real smile. The first time they touched was three hours before the crescent moon came to be.

The destruction of the moon was never Korosensei's fault. It was actually a rat they had been performing similar experiments on and had sent to the moon. Of course, once this happened Yanagisawa and his team decided something had to be done about Korosensei before he did the same. Aguri had overheard Yanagisawa's plan to euthanize the Reaper before rushing to tell him. Doing what most would do in this situation, he decided to escape.

This caused an uproar within the lab. Soldiers were dispatched, but Korosensei took care of them in seconds. However, there was still the automatic security system. Anti-tentacle mines were planted along ever hallway, each deploying an anti-tentacle spear towards the target. Korosensei was able to withstand them, and while battling for his life, one of the anti-sensei materials that he had diverted away from himself had taken out Yanagisawa's eye.

He destroyed nearly the whole facility. Aguri had survived that much, only having earned an injured arm. But once she saw him again, she couldn't help but run to him. She reached out to hug him, an attempt to stop the chaos. In the process, she ended detonating a stray mine, but she didn't have the durability of the tentacles to save her. He began questioning why he had used his tentacles for destruction when he could have done so much more. Perhaps he could have saved her. But it was too late for such thoughts. She died as he held her with his tentacles after he promised to take her place as our teacher. He finally claimed his present and stood, taking off into the sky, leaving only a note behind indicating his desire to be our teacher.

"That's my story." He says. "The one who taught me to be a teacher was Ms. Aguri Yukimura. To truly look at the people before oneself, understand them as equal human beings, to not judge them solely on their weaknesses... I learned the fundamentals of being a teacher from her." Kayano shudders as more tears spill from her eyes. Okuda pulls her into a hug. "I added my own knowledge and experience and prepared to face you all. I would use my abilities to the fullest to give you the very best growth and development possible. But how best to do that? I racked my brain... And finally settled on the assassination classroom, where I'd use what remained of my life."

In the nine months since he'd become our teacher, we'd all grown so much. We couldn't have dreamed of a better teacher. Korosensei turns his back to us, unable to face our pitying looks. That half an hour he used to explain his reasons for becoming a teacher sent memories of our time with him flooding to our brains. The scary, and infuriating times, but also the happy ones. But most of all, all the fun we had had with him. How... How can we kill him?

We gradually begin to disperse, trudging back to our own homes and leaving Korosensei in the field, staring down at the moonlit grass. I'm completely spaced out, my mind reeling from everything that had happened that I nearly run into Isogai.

"Sorry!" I say immediately, taking a step back. He gives me a small smile.

"It's okay." He says. He's always so nice and forgiving... I'm glad I ran into him and not Terasaka or something. Not that I particularly wanted to run into anyone.

"Thanks... I'll see you later, then." I say, quickly turning away from him. I can feel myself holding back tears, and I know as soon as I'm alone I'm not going to be able to make it stop for a good while. Logically, crying doesn't help anything, but I think there's value in it. Even if that value is just getting my emotions out and giving me a way to process things. That doesn't mean I necessarily want anyone else to witness it, though.

"Wait! Do you want me to walk you home?" Isogai asks.

"No, it's fine. It's already late enough." I say, still turned away from him.

"You don't have to worry about that. Mr.Karasuma already dismissed us from classes tomorrow, and I want to walk you home especially because it's so late." He says. When he puts it like that, I have a hard time justifying rejecting his offer. Justifying to myself, that is. I know that if I flat out told him I didn't want him to, he wouldn't push it.

"Okay..." I say, looking at the ground as I pull my jacket tighter around me and start walking.

"Are you cold?" Isogai asks. Before I can even answer, he's slipped off his own jacket and places it over my shoulders.

"Thank you." I say quietly. I wasn't particularly cold before, but the addition of the extra layer of clothing is noticeably more comfortable.

Neither of us talk for the rest of the walk to my house. The more I think about our situation, the more overwhelmed and sick I feel. My throat feels tighter than normal, making it harder to swallow. Isogai walks me to my doorstep, giving me a tired smile as I pull the key out of my pocket and hand his jacket back.

"Thank you again, Yuma." I say, hoping he doesn't notice the tears filling my eyes. "Let me know when you get home, okay?"

"Of course." He says. I finally notice just how tense he is, too. This information has to be hard on all of us... I reach out and gently grab his hand, giving it a squeeze. He hesitantly pulls me into a hug, giving me plenty of time to pull away if I want. I don't, though. I wrap my arms around his midsection and hide my face against his shoulder. He holds me firmly, his arms wrapped around my shoulders.

We stay like that for a while, and when he eventually pulls away there's no hiding the damp streaks on my cheeks. But there's no need to, either. I hadn't felt embarrassed crying in front of him like I do with most people. I probably should've expected it, though. He is one of the least judgmental people I have ever met.

"Get home safe." I say.

"I will. Sleep well, (Y/n)."

The date of his self destruction was calculated to be March 13th, his birthday, and coincidentally, Kunugigaoka Junior High's graduation day. The new year was finally upon us. January 6th. The number of students who spent winter break planning assassinations was precisely zero.

"The third term is upon us, class! Let's play hard and kill hard this year, too." Korosensei says cheerfully, '3rd Term Begins!' And '64 Days Till the Earth's Destruction!' written on the blackboard behind him, accompanied by a little doodle of the Earth exploding. Nobody so much as smiles at his comment. I stare at my desk to avoid eye contact. After the lesson is over, he slinks dejectedly from the classroom.

"The most foolish kill is to kill recklessly, out of emotion or greed." Ms.Bitch says, announcing her presence. "That's what animals do."

"Ms.Bitch..." Kurahashi murmurs as we all look at the blonde woman.

"The next most foolish is to kill your feelings while you kill your target, giving up so very much—far in excess of your reward. Like I did." She says with a mirthful smile. "You really need to think this through, kids, so you won't kill off the feelings you hold most dear." After that, she exits the classroom, the door softly clicking closed.

When we can no longer hear her footsteps, Nagisa requests that we all meet with him outside. We follow, confusion clouding us. What could he possibly want to talk about?

"So what?" Terasaka says, looking bored as he crouches on the ground. "It ain't like you to be callin' us all together like this, Nagisa." The blue-haired boy stands in the center of the small clearing, the rest of us loosely circled around him.

"There's something I'd really like to discuss." He says.

"What is it?" Kataoka asks, her arms folded across her chest. Nagisa finally meets our eyes.

"I don't know if it's even possible, but I want to find a way to save Korosensei's life."

Sorry it's short, but I promise that things will really get good within the next few chapters :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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