Chapter 9

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October 31st, 1991


Unfortunately, October passed without me getting the hand of wandless magic. To be fair, between normal classes, Quidditch practice, looking for who Flamel was and Marauder prank planning, I didn't have much time to actually practise the wandless magic.

It wasn't all bad news though. Cedric, Tam and I made a great team and I got two new friends, despite me being in first year. After a while of nagging Molly, she finally agreed to use some of my trust money to get the latest Comet. It was no Nimbus, but it was one of the best brooms in use.

We also got a breakthrough on Flamel last week, thanks to Megan.


"You going to eat that?" Megan asked as I looked at what she was talking about. We were doing some homework in our room, and Megan had spotted one of the Chocolate Frogs from Harry's splurge on the train. For some reason, I had just left it on the table.

"Not really," I said as Megan pounced on the Chocolate Frog, "But if that's an Agrippa card, give it to me. Ron's been looking for one for ages."

"Not Agrippa," Megann announced, "it's...bloody hell!"

"What is it?" I asked, wondering if it was some other rare card, like the Founder's collection. The money I could get from selling that...

"It's Flamel!" Megan exclaimed.

"Oh, that's not that rare, now is it?" I said, before it clicked, "Wait, Flamel as in the mysterious Flamel guy we've been looking for?"

"Exactly!" Megan said as Justin got up from reading his comic, apparently also just realising what that meant.

"It says here that he worked with Dumbledore on the 12 uses of dragon blood!" Hannah said as we crowded around Megan to get a look over the card.

"So that's how he knows Professor Dumbledore," Hermione concluded.

"And it says here that he also created the only Philosopher's Stone in existence," Susan added in excitement.

"That's it! The Philosopher's Stone! That must be what Fluffy's guarding!" Hermione said.

"What is the Philosopher's Stone?" I asked.

"It's basically the pinnacle of alchemy!" Susan said, "It creates the Elixir of Life, which can cure any disease and even reverse old age, and it can make solid gold!"

"And it's in the school," I said, temporarily lost in thinking about the amount of money I could make from that.

"Stop drooling Dan," Susan said as I snapped out of it, "We have no idea how to work the Stone, and it's still being guarded by a three-headed dog."

"So we will need help in our heist, gotcha!" I said, mentally running through the list of people I could trust to help me. Maybe Prongs would have some idea of others?

"We can't just steal the Stone!" Susan pushed, "How are we going to get past Fluffy?"

"James Bond might have some ideas, and we can all put our heads together to think of something," I said, my mind clouded with my want for money


Susan had to threaten me with telling her aunt before I finally relented, and hindsight has shown that it was a stupid idea anyway. I still did some investigations of my own into how to get past Fluffy, for academic purposes.

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