Chapter 6 (Pt. 3)

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They had passed several farmhouses, but there was no sign of a village or anywhere they could take refuge for the night, so when the sky released a cold intermittent drizzle on them, Meng Yuan suggested they approach the most recent house they were about to pass. The trees were long left behind, and Wan Xue knew they'd be drenched if they continued traveling like this, so he agreed. Outside the house was not any brighter than elsewhere, but there were lamps lit within, which was a hopeful sign.

Meng Yuan carefully set Wan Xue down, then knocked on the door before rolling his shoulders and stretching his back. As he'd said, Wan Xue wasn't all that heavy, but it had been hours, and any weight for such a length of time could become tiresome. Before anyone came to the door, Wan Xue looked up at Meng Yuan and saw that despite the rain, there was still blood on his face. Hurriedly reaching up with his sleeve in hand, he wiped the blood away, ignoring Meng Yuan's questioning look and finishing just as the door opened.

An older man opened the door, a woman around the same age hovering just behind him.

"Sorry to disturb you at such a late hour," Meng Yuan said respectfully. "We're traveling and got caught in the rain. We were attacked by thieves earlier in the day and my friend is injured. Could we trouble you for a place to get out of the rain for the night?"

The old man looked at them skeptically, but his wife had pity in her eyes. "Let them stay. He said he's injured. You're not going to turn them away, are you?"

He didn't seem too pleased, but he pointed toward a structure at the end of the yard. "You can stay there tonight."

Wan Xue cupped his hands and bowed slightly, grateful for the hospitality, even if it was begrudgingly given. The old woman was smiling at him, so he offered a slight smile in return and nodded his head in greeting. Then she turned to Meng Yuan.

"Once you're settled, come up to the house and I'll have food for you to take back with you."

"Thank you," Meng Yuan replied, turning to Wan Xue, who was about to attempt to walk on his own, and grabbing his right arm and pulling it around his shoulders. He looped his own arm under Wan Xue's arms and took practically all of his weight on himself as they walked to the horse shed at the end of the yard.

It was dark inside, but their eyes would adjust to the dark again once they'd been away from the lantern light for long enough. There was one tired-looking old mare inside, who paid them no mind, and Meng Yuan scanned the interior briefly before leading Wan Xue to a pile of clean straw and helping him sit down. The ceiling leaked a bit, but it was nothing compared to being out in the rain itself. Handing him his bag, Meng Yuan straightened.

"I'll go back up for the food now," he said, and Wan Xue nodded, retrieving a few coins from his pocket and handing them to Meng Yuan. "To pay them?" he questioned, and Wan Xue nodded. "Alright, I'll be back."

And then he was gone, half running, half walking back up to the small house and knocking lightly on the door. Wan Xue felt that he should be relieved whenever Meng Yuan wasn't near him, but sitting in the dark, alone, in an unfamiliar and unsecure building, he couldn't bring himself to feel relieved about anything. Shivering, he wrapped his arms around himself and waited for Meng Yuan to return, but the time he was gone stretched on.

Wan Xue hadn't realized how tense he was until he heard footsteps and he jumped a bit as Meng Yuan came around the corner, relief finally flooding through him as he saw who was there. Despite his fear toward the emperor, at the very least said emperor had protected him today. It was true that those men wouldn't have known he had money if not for Meng Yuan, but there was always the possibility of someone attacking or trying to rob him anyway, and if he had been alone today, not only would he have lost everything he owned, he probably would have lost his life as well.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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