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(First Person) Astrid

"This IS your home, my love"

The feeling of a backhand to the face made me cry out. "PLEASE STOP" I begged. He kicked me in the ribs. I hissed in pain. He kicked me again. Then several times after. I heard crack after crack of my ribs shattering. I felt the warm feeling of blood come up my throat and out my mouth. I tried to crawl away from him, trying to get as much distance as I could from him. He grabbed something off a little metal table and activated it. It was a long electrical yellow whip. "Beg for mercy. BEG" he screamed and hit the wall next to me. I flinched and turned my face to his. I had blood in my mouth, on my back with lots of scratches and a big scratch on my collarbone. I stared him in the eyes and spoke softly, "Please, I-I beg of you".

He recoiled the whip then put himself to my level, which was the dirty floor. He ruffly grabbed my chin and softly spoke in my ear, "Your such a good little girl. But yet, not good enough" I flinched away and started backing away from him. He made his way towards the whip again then activated it. "PLEASE HAVE MERCY ON ME! PLEASE!!" I screamed feeling tears starting to come down my blood stained cheeks. He ignored me and he began to hit me again and again. I sat there and cried as he hit me, just wondering, if anyone in this world would care if I was gone.

I woke up from my bed panting, sweat covering my back. I could feel the beads of sweat coming down my forehead and neck like rain. I whipped the sweat from my forehead feeling nothing but fear. It took me a moment to realize I had been crying. I'm not going to get picked. The Republic will send me back and he will bend me to his will and hit me and...and. All the horrible possibilities came rushing into my mind like a sandstorm. I need to talk to someone about this. I need Crosshair. The thought of me going to him for help made me shiver. He has enough to deal with at the moment, putting my fears and what ifs on him is not fair. I have to keep this to myself. Whatever happens tomorrow, I just need to deal and move forward. I have to. I sighed while rubbing my eyes, still feeling tears slip down my face. I glanced at my device on the small night stand to see a notification, from my master. I clenched my shaking hand and opened the message. The other experiments were arriving tomorrow at 0930. So that means, the trial would start at 11:00.


It was 0800 when I got up for the second time today. I rubbed my eyes from lack of sleep and slowly got out of bed. I headed straight for my bag of cloths searching for my old uniform. I felt my hand rub against a plastic bag and pulled it out. My old uniform. The galaxy's worst piece of clothing ever created. It was a full body suit with a zipper in the back and tight, too tight. At least it's black and not a bright color. With a heavy groan of annoyance, I picked up the bag and made my way towards the bathroom to take a quick shower and change into my suit. I turned the hot water on then was a sigh took off my shirt and looked at the long scratch across my collarbone. The scratch ran across my collarbone and down my back almost halfway. I gently ran my finger along the pure white scar. Images from my dream started to flash through my mind. I choked back a sob. No. Not right now. You start crying now Cross is going to get worried and ask questions. I caught a glance at my face to see my eyes puffy and red. Maybe he won't notice. At least I have my mask...wait no I don't. I left it in their room. Great just fantastic just what I need right now. I shook my head in frustration and took off the rest of my clothes then got in the shower.

Around 15 minutes later, I finished drying my self off, including my hair, and got dressed. I zipped up my 'suit' and looked at myself in the mirror. The suit hugged close to my body and showed off all the curves I had. That I didn't appreciate nor did I enjoy having my curves show during battle. I walked out of the refresher and grabbed my belt that wrapped around my waste and thighs. I connected 2 daggers to each leg and clipped on my blaster behind me. I lastly grabbed another holster and clipped around my shoulder that went around my chest. I pulled out of my weapons bag a long beautiful vibrio blade sword. The handle, made out of bescar steal. I ran a hand over the spine of the blade with a smile. I missed you my friend. I put the blade in its holster then quickly looked at the time. I had about an hour to eat, pick up my mask and be in the hanger to meet up with the other experiments. I grabbed my black boots, zipped them up, put my hair up in a high ponytail then made my way out the door.

My Savior (Bad Batch fan-fiction) CrosshairWhere stories live. Discover now