♪ Don't tell me you stole them. - Bonus ♪

15 4 73

Chan let out the hundredth sigh of the day. Minho really was never going to give up on his mission labelled by Chan as: "Disrupt Chan's Daily Life Because I Somehow Think He Will Focus On Me More If I Do That." He probably needed to find a shorter title but whatever, it can stay for now.

"Chhhaaaaannnnnn!!!!!" Minho whined, forcefully pulling the phone comfortably resting on Chan's palm out of his hand and throwing it on the couch. (He thinks. He hopes it was the couch..) And whined a bit more before crawling to the couch instead of, you know, walking like a normal human being, and threw himself on his stomach over Chan's thighs.

"What has gotten into you?" Chan asked, giving his ass a smack and laughing as he watched Minho turn around and sit next to him to protect himself.

"Nothing has gotten into me! You're just not giving me attention!!" He whined again, and Chan was slowly losing his mind.

Maybe if I kiss him.. He loves kisses after all.

He turned his head to the side to face Minho and started combing through his hair with his fingers, loving the way Minho completely relaxed and closed his eyes. Maybe he managed to seep out all that aggressive energy from earlier.

Yeah, he was a sick fuck to think so.

"CHAN!" Minho yelled, somehow startling the other and letting out a little surprised chuckle at how Chan jumped.

"God, what? What do you want?"


"You have me."

Minho clicked his tongue, lightly hitting Chan's shoulder.

"Don't play dumb." He pouted.

Chan just smiled and moved to peck the younger's lips lovingly. Thinking it was just a simple, little soft touch. So when Minho's hand quickly crept behind his neck to secure his head in place as he tilted his head to deepen the kiss, Chan was surprised to say the least. Eyes going wide as he felt his mind blank for a second.

Minho showed no signs of letting Chan catch his breath anytime soon as his other hand pressed Chan deeper into the couch and sat on top of his thighs.

A/N This is crazydjhahdhs red lights was playing when I was writing that paragraph AND I WROTE DEEPER AND THE SONG ALSO SAID DEEPER SHDHSHSSS

I sat there in silence for a minute after that.

"Open up that mouth for me." Minho whispered against his lips. Chan groaned, immediately complying and sighing into the other's mouth when Minho swirled his tongue around his and gave a light suck.

Minho kissed him like he was a drowning man and Chan was oxygen. That lead him to think, was he really depriving Minho from physical touch and affection those past few days?? Was it really that bad that Minho had to kiss him so deeply for? He acted like how he normally did, Minho didn't show any signs of disagreement or dissatisfaction with his actions earlier on. 

A particularly harsh suck on his tongue pulled him out of his haze.

"You're still not focusing on me." Minho spoke against his lips.

"I was thinking about you.." Chan mumbled.

"You don't have to think about me. I'm right here for you."

And Chan didn't know why those words affected him more than they should have as he squeezed his eyes shut for a few seconds before he forcefully grabbed a handful of Minho's hair and pulled him down against him, not missing the way Minho gasped and pressed his body against his.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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