Mama, I love him

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he's not the man
you want me to marry
because you know
that men can be scary

but if you love me
you'd try to get to know him
i can't let go now
cause mama i love him

you raise your voice
getting me to change my choice
you talk of him
like you talk of kids' toys

"get rid of him"
is all that you can say
i ask you "why?"
but all you do is look away

asking me to choose
isn't this a little unfair?
you say it's either him
or my rights as heir

"what is love
without money?"

"but what is money
without love?"

i go outside
look at all the stars above
one outshines them
the way he outshines their love

"take care,
i'll come back when time allows"
right now all i want
is for the lord to hear my vows

would it be rude for me to say
that i regret nothing?
one wrong move, one right choice
and it's all because i love him

Poems For LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora