A year later

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I sit at Dad and Kit's grave, peeling an orange. Dad would be so angry at how I just throw the peel into the ocean for the fish. I say, "Hey Kit, Dad. It's decision day today. It's be a year since the both of you died. Violet is doing well now. She's happier than I've ever seen her, always working on something. Klaus reads all the time, and Sunny cooks more than she ever has. Beatrice, oh Kit, you'd be so proud. I don't want to leave you both here. I know you'd be happy to be buried here, but I don't want to never be able to visit you both again."
There's a shift in the wind, and I whisper, "You're okay with it. I should get going. We're celebrating Beatrice's birthday today. She's such an angel. I love you both. Bye Kit. Bye Dad."
I walk back to the tree, just in time to see Sunny finishing the cake. Slowly, I kneel next to Beatrice, and smile. She's such a bubbly baby. Violet asks, "Why do you think our parents gave you to Esme? We were talking, but couldn't think of any reasons."
"Sometimes when you have a baby," I say, kissing Beatrice's hand, "You make decisions for them that are hard to explain. People do wicked things for noble reasons. Giving me up wasn't particularly wicked though. I was raised with love. And some newspapers still wash up occasionally, so I know Mum... Esme, has been telling people I'm fine. I know who my real mum is, but I still want to hug Esme, and for her to tell me everything will be fine. I feel like I have five parents, and none at the same time. Jerome, Esme, Dad, Bertrand and Beatrice."
"Dad?" Klaus asks. I sigh, "Olaf. I know he was a wicked man, I really do, but he was a father figure to me. I had my doubts Esme was my real mum when she was so quick to give me up. Does it say anything in the book about what they'd have named me?"
"It says here that they were set on calling you Daphne," Klaus laughs, "Daphne, Violet, Klaus and Sunny."
"Daphne or Xalia?" I ask myself, "I think I'd rather go with Daphne, if I'm being honest."

"We can call you Daphne," Violet says. I look up at her and whisper, "I feel like I can't bring myself to leave. I know I want to, but part of me is worried I'm leaving to much behind."
"Cake!" Sunny says. Violet walks to me, and holds my hand. She says, "You aren't really leaving anything. Not if you still hold them in your heart. Mother and Father wanted to call me Lemony."
On the count of three, we all blow Beatrice's candle out. Klaus smiles, "This is a weird place to have a first birthday."
"But not a bad place," I shrug, "I'm sixteen, we both are. We've grown up so much."
"And hardly at all."
Klaus asks, "If we leave, what will we find?"
"We can't shelter her forever," I sigh, "Our parents knew that."
Klaus nods. We've got to leave.

We pull the boat to the shoreline, and I sigh, "We can't leave this island on a boat called the Olaf."
Violet leans down, snapping the plate off. I gasp. The Beatrice. Beatrice babbles, and Violet laughs, "That's right, it's your name!"
"Our mothers too," Klaus sighs, "Are we ready to do this?"
"If we wait until we're ready, we'll be waiting the rest of our lives," I whisper. Violet smiles, "He who hesitates is lost. Who knows what we might be able to do off of this island."
I pick Beatrice up, admiring the island for one last time. Dad's grave. Kit's grave. We push the boat of the island, and Klaus says, "Let's go home."
"Home," I say, "Let's find our family's ending."

Xalia Squalor; because sometimes being in is not enoughWhere stories live. Discover now