chapter 2

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The wind rushes past as you fall, you're waiting for impact but it doesn't come and you feel hands pressing against your back, you open your clenched eyes to see Daryl's face, straining a bit to hold you and the saddle up. He starts to lift you, and you can see the pain in his eyes. His arms start to give, and instead, he just lays you down and grabs the saddle instead.

"What are you doing Olivia", he places the saddle down next to you and holds his side, glaring down at you while you lay on the floor of the barn. "I..uh...just.." you fumble for words "Carol said you had a fight, I just wanted to clean up" He clenched his teeth "No one asked for your help, I can handle this" He picked up the saddle and tried to lift it and nearly dropped it.

You automatically rush to his side and place your hand on his "I said I didn't need help" he barks at you pushing you away, you glare back at him "Just because you can suffer on your own, doesn't mean you should" you shout back at him. You know you shouldn't have yelled at him, but you were pissed off because all you wanted to do was be helpful, and he was being so stubborn. He practically growls at you in frustration as he pushes past choosing to ignore your presence and picks up the saddle again, as he lifts it on the special rack it belongs on. You hear a sharp cry of pain escape briefly from him. You swiftly reach over and place your hand on his side, applying a light pressure, "Please, Daryl, I won't tell anyone, just let me help." He nods clearly, not wanting to show how much pain he is in by opening his mouth, stuck in a half lift with the saddle unable to finish putting it away but refusing to drop it. You try to reach while holding his side but find its just not quite enough, you wrap your body around him so you are no longer facing his back and switch hands on his side while reaching up with the other. Its a bit awkward maneuver but by pressing your body into his you find you can get just the right amount of lift and suddenly the saddle is put away but you become uncomfortably aware of how firm his muscles feel against you.

Several seconds pass of silence before Daryl says, "I didn't need..." You interrupt him."So what?! I care about you. A lot...actually and.." he shifts his weight, and suddenly you can hardly think, as he is so close against you. You barely any space left, and your hands have somehow decided to wander further up his sides. "..and maybe I needed t.." And it no longer mattered what you were trying to fumble out to say. His lips were on yours, your gut tightening in desire and need. Nothing in the world existed past the kiss, his tongue starting to explore your mouth dancing with yours a deep moan, being shared between your mouths. His hands grip your backside, pressing you into his body and against the wall at the same time.

Olivia likes to rideWhere stories live. Discover now