Prologue pt.2

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Still flashback June 2019

Olivia's POV
After that call with my manager, I started pacing around my living room nonstop, I mean who wouldn't? He just told me that other clubs are interested in me and I thought only Arsenal would try and offer me an extension for one more year, but it seems it's not like that. I'm kinda surprised to be honest but just as i was going to the kitchen, someone knocked. which I supposed would be Will so I went to the door and opened it, I move to the side indicating him to come in and so he did.

"Hi Olivia, nice to see you, everything good?" - he said to start some conversation before going straight to the point.

"Hi yeah everything's great thanks for asking" - I said while sitting on the sofa and watching him lay on the table some papers.

"Okay so basically, I've received three different contracts, one from Arsenal of one year and another one from West Ham for 2 years, these two are the ones in England. But there's another one from Germany, you know Bayern Munich right? - he looked at me

"yeah i know the club, Miedema comes from there" - I said

"Okay, well they offered you a 2 year contract with the possibility of a one year extension."- He said calmly, and when he saw my face of I don't know what to do or say he just told me that there's no pressure and that he'll let me think about it for the next few days, but that it would have to be decided before the World Cup in France.

"Shit! Oh- sorry" - I apologised, god Olivia how could you forget about the World Cup.

"Don't worry I see you haven't really thought of the tournament by that reaction then" - He said. I nodded, I completely forgot about that.

"Yeah I don't know why, it's the most important tournament. But to be fair I don't think I'll make the squad given the minutes I played this season" - I said a little disappointed. And he looked at me and gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Well, then maybe that's a good reason for you to consider a move whether in England or abroad, just think about it okay? And don't worry about the World Cup maybe you do get called up, who knows."- he said trying to lighten up the mood.

"I doubt it but thanks for coming and informing me about the offers, I'll think about them but before you go do you have any advice or recommendation?" - I asked with a pleading voice, I didn't have any idea of what to do or think in that moment.

"About the moves or getting called up for the WWC? - He asked

"Both?" - I said

"Olivia, don't worry or stress about any of those two things okay, if you want my honest opinion I'll give it to you but please do considerate other ones and very importantly your opinion" - he said now standing in front of me. "So firstly about the World Cup, maybe it's not this year that you get called up but, not because you're not talented, if anything it's because your lack of minutes, so for me that's the main reason to think that the best option would be to try and gain some experience and minutes on the field. You have the skills and you work hard to try and be your best so, maybe a move to another league will help you to develop and grow as a player and then you'll get called up more often for the lionesses, but you know that's my opinion" - he said this with a very comforting voice and I just let all the information in, so that I could process everything once he was gone.

Never felt like this before - Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now