Chapter Thirty-Six

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A week passed since I'd gone to meet with Miravikos in Greece and our plan had begun with the islands around the Aegean Sea having groups of Greek and Italian made men sent in to deal with the threat until a more direct approach could be applied to dealing with the Chimera. On the other hand I'd been helping to get all the details final prepped for the wedding which was coming up a lot faster then I wanted but it was going to be happening tomorrow and that was only recently sent out to everyone that needed to know which meant both Aria and I were making sure that not a single thing was left to do while we were still here in Varazze, or in Genoa. All materials for the wedding were already sent and most of it had been disguised under covers for other projects so there was no direct suspicion that it was for a wedding.

Gabriella had been in a panic to get things done and Aria was with her sister over the past week making sure that she was calm enough to go through with it, though I wasn't looking forwards to the presentation of sheets.

Stupid fucking tradition.

Standing in my office I had the back doors open so I could stand on the balcony outside with a cigar and a scotch with Matteo who wasn't going to be having a bachelors party, and a bachelorette party was out of the question even in Monaco where it could be hidden better as normal, but with the Chimera likely looking for an in, neither Matteo or I was going to paint a theoretical target on ourselves in Monaco, unless it would be beneficial.

"I can't believe Luca, you, and I tied the knot in half a year," Matteo says fixing me with that fucking Cheshire grin, filled with mirth, and satire.

"The three most violent men in the Familia, married, yeah I guess it is pretty fucking hard to believe, no wonder the Chimera attacked us. One of Massimo's spies probably said we were all chasing the only thing a woman can provide, when that's more bullshit then the Bratva showing mercy," I say taking a pull from the cigar in my mouth, and I mentally reminded myself just how horrible having too many of these were for me. The only good thing, was I had one a week rather then one every few hours like many other men.

"Almost as much bullshit as you showing mercy, you've never spared anyone, you're the hangman for a reason, though calling you the name of the angel of violent death is just as funny for all the massacre's you've done," Matteo laughs taking a sip of the rye in his hand, made neat and filling half of the glass with the maple coloured liquid.

"Fuck off Matteo, don't you have a bride to hold in your arms, and sheets to sort out," I mutter looking to the flat beds which was allowing the workers to remake the garage so that one side of the wall was where I could drive in and the rest of the driveway could be remade into a hedge lined garden.

"Faking the sheets isn't an option," Matteo says looking to me and I narrow my eyes at him.

"What do you mean?" I ask and he shook his head.

"I didn't do it. Gabriella and I have been working on trust, and given my promiscuities, our agreement was no sex but we could do everything in between. I've had blue balls for months, which is practical torture in the lead up to tomorrow night, and I don't want to do it because our fucking traditions say we have to fuck our wives on our wedding night, I want to do it when Gabriella says she's comfortable with it," Matteo says and I look away from him towards the gardens surrounding my house, and almost laughed remembering that Aria had helped with the addition of innumerable flowers.

It covers all the death that I've committed to here.

The Salvatorini Villa had apparently been where my father enjoyed killing people. The house's catacombs was meant to be a tomb where anyone who disobeyed him would be taken and tortured at least that was the guess of the group of my guards who had fully mapped out the catacombs under my home and had found dozens of skeletons with axe markings in the bones of almost every set of remains found. It would also explain the fully capable torture and interrogation chamber under the house since it had been nothing but a pair of villas both owned by the Salvatorini Familia for those who weren't supposed to come back, sometimes people left the crimson hall, no one left the site where my villa had been built.

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