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Jimin laid on the bed, his heart heavy with guilt. He couldn't shake the feeling that he had hurt the demon by his words, he  thinks that demons were supposed to be ruthless and emotionless creatures right?.

But why then did his omega ache with worry and restlessness? .Why did he feel the need to see the demon, to make sure he was alright? Was it possible for a demon to feel any pain or sadness?.

As the storm raged outside, Jimin's anxiety grew. The alpha had left the cabin in anger, in this cold and rainy weather. But despite the demon's reputation, Jimin couldn't help but worry for his safety.

As he paced back and forth in the cabin, thoughts running through his mind. Could it be possible that demons were capable of feeling emotions?. Was it possible that underneath the cold exterior, there was a heart that could be hurt?.But it's also true that he hurt him and it's bad to hurt someone to use such a sensitive topic of their painful past even though he didn't know how did he survived in past and honestly he wants to know everything but will demon tell him?.

"Wolfie , calm down " he touch his heart and rub it but no his omega is restless, " i know you want to see him , but why?.you forget he hurted us....no he broke us ...still you care for h-im....hummm" he mumble waiting for any response but his omega just shut himself again leaving him alone to think about his true feelings.His omega can't do anything because of the spell he is wearing around his neck , his moon locket specially designed for him to hide his identity.Well demon already knows about this but omega has no idea nor jungkook-demon's other self.

Meanwhile demon is still there dealing with his past memories.The rain poured down , soaking the demon to the bone as he sat on the rough rock in pain.

"Ahhhhhhh, n-o no .I can't feel the same pai-n .....i can't go back in the same horrible past where i lost my parents.....who showed me parents lov-e even knowing the truth that i am demon who is nothing, but a threat to people....... b-ut look what i become now - A demon king ,a ruthless and powerful demon alpha king. EVERYONE feared from me ....even my so called parents who throw m-e like a trash , i was just a little demon pup ,

A little p-up ,

b-ut.......I know maa you protest against your alpha to save me .... you didn't wanted to kill m-e but still you let this happen.....i even hate you queen Jeon " his cries blending in with the sound of the thunder above.

The memories of his past haunted him still ,the images of his old parents being brutally killed by the villagers flashing before his eyes like a never-ending nightmare.His heart pounded as he ran through the dark forest, the memories of his past haunting him like a relentless ghost.

He could still feel the warmth of his mother's wrinkled hands as she fed him, her smile lighting up her aged face. He could hear her soft voice singing lullabies to him every night, her love wrapping around him like a protective blanket. And his father, strong and wise, bathing him and teaching him how to be resilient in a cruel world.

But it wasn't enough to protect them. The villagers saw him as a demon, a monster to be feared and destroyed. They didn't understand the love that his parents had for him, the sacrifices they made to keep him safe. And in their ignorance and fear, they took his beloved parents away from him, only because they accepted him.


The pain in his heart was so raw, so intense, that it felt like physical agony in his chest. "Ahhhhh"He clutched at his chest, feeling as if his heart was being ripped apart all over again. The anger he felt towards those who had taken everything from him burned like a wildfire, consuming his entire being.

Suddenly, the demon fell to the ground, a gut-wrenching scream tearing from his lips. The pain he felt was excruciating, like his very soul was being torn apart. He writhed on the ground, his body shaking with the intensity of his pain.

As he lay there, feeling the rain mingling with his tears, a different part of him began to emerge. Jungkook, his softer, gentler self, started to surface, his presence a stark contrast to the darkness of the demon. But the demon fought against him, pushing Jungkook back down into the depths of his being.

He couldn't afford to be weak, to be soft. He had to remain strong, to keep the darkness within him at bay. But in his efforts to suppress Jungkook, the demon only succeeded in hurting himself even more. The pain he felt was like nothing he had ever experienced before, a searing, unrelenting torment that threatened to consume him whole.

But just as he felt like he couldn't take it anymore, a familiar figure appeared through the rain. Hobi,rushed to his side in worry "jungkook.....are you ok tell me pleas-e " but nothing came out of his mouth ,he just look at hobi like a lifeless body .Hobi get panicked lifted him up, carrying him to safety in a cabin.He can't loose his brother.

Hobi tried everything he could to ease the demon's pain, but nothing seemed to work. The demon's suffering only seemed to grow worse, his cries echoing through the cabin like a haunting melody of despair."no please luna hel-p h-im"Hobi cried as he sat on bed caressing his brothers hairs who still screaming in pain .

"Nothing is working on h-im.He can't die .You can't leave me..... brother" He yell and shook his body when jungkook or we can say demon closed his eyes and his heart is beating but uneven.

What is happening here ?.

It's impossible for demon king to die like this but hobi could sense his traumatic past caused him same pain and he fought with himself to remain strong but demon forgot that both him and jungkook are same .

Hobi also tried to use his powers to heal him but it's useless, he can't use any power here .Now he is feeling useless.

"Luna help u-s " he sat down still looking at his brother who was screaming in pain .But he heard someone was also screaming in the other cabin .

Hobi rushed out of the cabin, his heart racing as he followed the sound of screams to Queen Jimin's cabin. As he burst through the door, he was met with a heartbreaking sight-queen Jimin was on the floor, clutching at a bedsheet, crying out in pain.

Hobi's stomach twisted in worry as he approached Jimin, unsure of what had caused this sudden outburst. But as he got closer, he saw something that made his blood run cold - Jimin's mating mark was burning, his skin darkening like a charred mark.

With trembling hands, Hobi carefully lifted Jimin onto the bed, trying not to touch the sensitive skin and stay in his limits.Jimin's eyes fluttered open, and in a weak voice, he called out for his alpha." Alph-a"

Hobi bit his lip, knowing the truth behind Jimin's plea - Alpha Jungkook was dying in another cabin. But instead of revealing this information, Hobi reached into his bag and pulled out a handful of herbal leaves. With practiced hands, he ground the leaves into a paste and began to apply it to Jimin's mate mark.

But as he reached the point where he couldn't go any further, a miracle happened. Jimin's mark began to slowly return to normal, the burning sensation fading away. At that exact moment, Jungkook stirred in his own cabin, his eyes snapping open as he whispered, "om-eg-a."


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