Chapter 1, introduction.

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A/n: finally was done with this fucking chapter and the WHOLE THING GOT DELETED. welp. Here's the re done version.

For as long as she can remember, casey had training in the overwatch youth training program. Her parents admitted her when she was about 7 after noticing her advanced athletic abilities. With time, training became a way to escape her home life. With a drunk dad and a workaholic mom, she put all of her effort into her training. She quickly showed promise with sniping, becoming skilled at it quickly, thus landing her a spot training under Jack Morrison and Ana Amari themselves. She quickly gained the nickname "Overwatch's child prodigy" by the other members, even if she didn't think she fit the title.
She's now 15, purple hair, blue eyes with freckles, top of her class, sniping expert. She can hit headshots from far over 80 feet away on moving targets alone.

Who is casey? Well she's originally from Florida before moving to be trained by the worldwide organization, overwatch. She had always had an intense interest in rollercoasters, the paranormal, and tornados.
She spends most of her days training or playing videogames and smoking some weed at home. She would spend day after day training, even staying after class to practice more. Being with overwatch so often gave her opportunities to bond with some of the other overwatch members like Lena, Angela, Winston, and more. In doing so she learned some of the gossip that goes on there. Like how Angela secretly has a crush on the apparent cyborg ninja she brought back to life and is monitoring, and how Lena zips through time.

Current time, Friday, May 12th, Year 2051

Casey was practicing her sniping on a training dummy on the overwatch training grounds when she heard someone call her from behind.
"Hey case!" The voice yelled. She turned around to see Jack Morrison walking towards her. "Hey Jack! What's up?"
"I have something I wanna talk to you about, can you meet me in my office?"
"Yeah!" Casey replied and the two walked over to jacks office. When she stepped inside, she saw three seats. One of which had an unknown man sitting in it. There was an empty seat next to the man, and another seat for Jack behind his desk. The man seemed to me Hispanic with a black beanie on and his arms crossed. He looked about thirty, same age as Jack. The two took their respective seats and the conversation began.
"So casey, as you know, you're too young to formally join overwatch but you're too advanced for the training we have you in. So Reyes here and I talked, and we were wondering if you would like to train under Reyes instead in the covert ops division of overwatch? The thing is, it's stealth based, and undercover. They do more of the serious stuff.. black ops. But you won't get put in those types of missions just yet." Casey listened attentively, taking in everything Jack was saying. She thought for a moment before responding.
"Yeah! I would love to."
"Great. One more thing. you'd have to move into the blackwatch hq so you won't be late for training each morning. Is that okay?" Jack asked.
"Yeah that should be fine" Casey replied.
"You sure? Your mom would be okay with it?" Jack questioned.
"I'm sure she would be. She works all the time anyway, it might be nice for her to get the house all to herself"
"Alright. Before anything is official though, Reyes wants to see your skillset. See where you place."
"Sounds good" Casey grinned.

"Okay then, Reyes will take over from here" Jack said with a soft smile as he shuffled through some paperwork.
Reyes then stood up and Casey did the same. She looked at Reyes, waiting for him to say something.
"It's commander Reyes, follow me" He said sternly, but not rudely. Casey could tell he wasn't someone to play around with like Jack, but she followed regardless. Reyes took her outside to a sidewalk that lead somewhere behind the main building. Casey had always wondered where it led, and she's finally getting her answer. Eventully Casey figured out where they were going. It was a building. A large one at that, looked to be about 3 to 4 stories with a flat roof. The walls were grey, probably cement or stone of some kind with extra space on both sides probably for some sort of large rooms. As they entered the building, the first thing she saw was the lobby. It had a front desk that was left unattended with stairs and an elevator that went upwards just to the right of it, and about one door on the left and right two on the right wall. There were pictures scattered around the room, most of random scenery. Reyes led her to the door on the left and opened it. Inside was a huge training room. There was a shooting range smack dab in the center of the room, a boxing ring on the left, some punching bags scattered here and there, two of which were in use by two people she had never seen before, both in blackwatch uniforms, and some cubbies in the far right corner of the room. They were red and black, though she couldn't see what was inside of them from how far away she was. Out of the two people she noticed only one was familiar. He looked to be a cyborg ninja, similar to who Lena described Angela had a crush on. 'That must be him' Casey thought to herself. The other guy was some southern, maybe western, cowboy looking dude. Reyes took Casey to the cubbies from before. She noticed more now that she was standing closer. There were weapons and clothes and training gear in most of them. They were 3 by 3 standing up, taking up a portion of the wall. Shoved next to the cubbies was a smaller table with an opened first aid kit on it with gauze wrap sitting next to it. To the left of the table were lockers, most of which had photos of the members she just saw on the punching bags taped onto them. The cowboy and the ninja looked to be pretty close.
Reyes walked over to the small table and noticed she opened first aid kit and the gauze sitting there. he let out a frustrated sigh and turned to the open training room.
"Cassidy! How many times have I told you to put things away after you're done with them?" Reyes yelled, his voice booming across the whole room.
"Sorry boss" The cowboy yelled back, sounding sort of ingenious. Casey then stopped to noticed how his hand was all bandaged up with gauze. Probably from punching something too hard.
"It's sir to you."
"Sorry, sir" The cowboy responded, sounding not so genuine before walking over to pick up his mess.

A/N sorry to cut this short my mommy's making me go to bed. Thank you for reading! This fix means a lot to me because it's based off of one of my comfort daydreams. I'll update again tomorrow morning in the next chapter.

Casey, overwatch's kid prodigy.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora