Chapter 7. intruder alert!

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Friday, July 23rd. 10:20am Casey woke up, the image of Moira's lab still in her mind from a few days ago haunting her. It's Friday and the team isn't back yet still, She decides to just wait it out and see if they get back later.

It's now 6:50pm and casey is playing some videogames when she hears some ruckus from downstairs. They must be back! She heads downstairs and checks the lobby for anyone. Nobody. This was weird. "Hello?" She asked, looking around. She felt... off. The power suddenly went out. "Shit!" Casey ducked down behind the front desk.
"I think we're being attacked." She thought to herself while she thought of what to do. She glaced around one more time before sprinting to the training room to grab her gun. She managed to successfully grab her gun from the cubbies, luckily her scope had night vision. She looked around the room with her scope and didn't see anything unusual. She glanced over at the ammunition table and got an idea.  Running over, she looked for a silencer. Luckily she found one. Just then, she heard gunshots from far away 'that sounds like it came from the overwatch base..' loud sirens then began blaring between both buildings with red flashing warning lights, they were being attacked. She quickly dialed up Reyes.
The number you are requesting to reach is not available at the moment- *hangs up*
She called a few more times, all going to voicemail. She decided to text Reyes
"We're being attacked and I don't know what to do. Please get back soon."  sent just now.

She put her phone down and decided to go see if anyone was in trouble. She ran through the hallway that led to overwatch headquarters anxiously, so many thoughts running throughout her mind on what could be happening.  When she got close to the hq she slowed her pace down, listening in. She hid behind some boxes in the hallway, holding her sniper over lobby and zoning in. Nobody. She heard gunfire again, this time near where Angela's office was. She made sure nobody was behind her and went that way. She held up her sniper and saw them. Talon agents. They were taking innocent overwatch workers!
"Where is everyone?" Casey wondered. Shouldn't there be help??
"let me go!!" A woman screamed. She was in a white coat with long black hair, she was being dragged away by the ponytail. "You're HURING ME- OW!"
"WHERE IS ANGELA?" the talon soldier asked threateningly. "I- I don't know I-" The woman stuttered.
Casey aimed her sniper at the talon soldier's head, setting up the perfect shot until she heard slight footsteps behind her. She quickly turned around and shoved her gun directly into whoever's face it was. It was Angela. "Angela??" Casey whisper yelled. "Casey, listen to me it's not safe here right now, you need to go."
"No. Where's Jack? Everyone else?"
"Jacks going a back way, trying to get behind them. Lena-"
"Okay we don't have time for this" Angela bit her lip. "Here's what I need you to do.."
Angela told casey the plan. Casey was going to take out the soldier with the innocent girl and Jack and Angela would get the rest.
Casey let out a shakey breath and tried to get her hands to stop shaking best she could.
"What do you know?!" The talon soldier tried interrogating the woman. "Nothing I swear!!"
Casey aimed in and.. BAM!
The guy fell to the ground and the woman being free, ran as fast as she could away from it all. Jack and Angela rushed out from both sides taking out as many talon soldiers as they could. Casey just killed someone. She let it sink in for a minute. She felt bad, but not bad enough. She could handle this. It was her first kill, but definitely not her last. She aimed her sniper up again out of pure adrenaline and shot down a few more soldiers. "Go! Go!" Jack shouted as the two stood outside Angela's office where more talon soldiers were now cornered in. Casey watched over the twos backs making sure nobody came from behind. Suddenly a HUGE explosion happened, it was loud. It knocked Casey off of her feet and her ears began to rang. When she came back to her senses, she looked outside the window. The talon helicopter had been blown up. They had no way of getting back.

Casey, overwatch's kid prodigy.Where stories live. Discover now