chapter 2. Kid prodigy?

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"Sorry, sir." Cassidy apologized seeming sort of in-genuine

Genji then walked over to the group, making his input in the conversation. "Casey? as in the kid prodigy?"
"...huh?" Reyes asks seemingly very confused
"yeah, thats me" Casey confirmed with a sigh "Its just a stupid nickname people have been calling me."
Reyes nodded with an understanding hum
"I've heard a lot about you from Angela" Genji casually spoke. Casey smirked  "yeah, I bet you have"
This statement puzzled everyone.
"What?" It was genjis turn to be confused.
"Nothing, it's nothing. Nice to meet you." Casey smiled to herself
Reyes sighed tiredly before getting back on track. He headed over to the small table from before and pulled out a box from under it. Inside was all different sorts of guns. He pulled out a sniper and tossed it over to Casey.   "Here."
"Let's go, we're gonna look at your sniping first."
The two walked over to the middle of the room which had the shooting range. There was a table infront of the shooting range with ammunition boxes in them. Casey reached over and grabbed some sniper ammo and loaded her gun.
Sniper training went on for a bit, Reyes seemingly impressed with her abilities. Eventually it was time for physical training. The two were in the boxing ring. Casey had very powerful kicks but was lacking in her punches.
"God, you punch just like Jack. Here, try it like this" Reyes sighed to himself before showing her a different way to position herself. And it did help.

Later on after training, it's 8:56pm and Casey is back in jacks office with Reyes. "So how'd everything go?" Jack asked with a smile. Casey looked over to Reyes to get his input.
"It was good. She was lacking with her punches a little bit, which I helped with, but her sniping is incredible. So, if she wants to train with blackwatch she can."
"Casey, are you still interested?" Jack asked her
"Yeah I am" Casey replied
"Well that's settled. I'll do the required paperwork tonight so you can start Monday morning. Meanwhile I would suggest packing whatever you wanna bring with you. By Sunday the room should be ready for you to move in to."
"Sounds good, thank you both"

Eventually they all said their goodbyes and casey went home. She unlocked the door to her house and went in. The first thing she did was look for her mom, who ended up being in her room reading a book.
"Hey mom, guess what?"
"I got accepted into another division in overwatch, so I can start doing missions finally." Casey proudly told her mom the news.
"That's great honey!"
"But the thing is, I have to move on campus."
"What?! How are you gonna do school?"
"Same way I always have, it's online"
Casey's mom sighs
"But what if I miss you?"
"I'm just a call away, mom. This is a huge opportunity for me."
"I know. You're just growing up so fast. Please be safe."
"I know mommmmm. I love you"
"I love you too."
Casey happily walked to her room and began packing.

A/n: quick chapter because I already wrote this part once before it got DSLETED. But im starting the next and it should be more detailed. Luv u guys :)

Casey, overwatch's kid prodigy.Where stories live. Discover now