You Are My Only Wish

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I thought it was surface deep

I thought I liked you for your smile

I thought I liked you for the way you looked at me

In my darkest moments I think it's because I miss him

But when our eyes meet

I know it's more than that

It's more than all of that

I don't know why

I don't know how

But you reawakened the butterflies in my stomach

Until they flooded my lungs, my throat, my heart

Until all I see is you

I want you

It hits me like a punch to the gut

I really, really want you

And when the night gets dark

When I let myself think of everything in my life

And all my wants and desires

I realize they are all meaningless

Because deep inside

You are my only wish.

Every drifting dandelion

Every shooting star

Every fallen eyelash

Every birthday candle

Every 11:11

In every waking moment

Within every word of poetry

Make a wish, they'd say

And so I do

I wish for you

Because you are my only wish.

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