Chapter Sixty-Four

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Elouise moved away from the window when she heard Eldon groan. He stirred and blinked open his eyes slowly.

"You're awake," Elouise said. "Finally."

Eldon sneered at her and tried to move; except he was held back by his restraints. Lady Rowe had kept a collection of ropes. Elouise had carefully chosen the sturdiest one.

"Do not bother unless you want to injure yourself," she said. "Considering how slow your magic still works, I do not believe you want to make it work harder."

"Whataya want?" he asked.

Elouise smiled. "I already got it. You. The satisfaction of taking away what Godwin desperately wants."

"I ain't gonna help ya with anythin'."

"Did I ask for your help?"

Eldon's expression softened.

"Udolf and whoever survived must have left by now," she said as she gazed out the window again. "I know nobody can find us here, yet I wish I could see something to confirm they are gone."

"It don't matter how hard ya try, Elouise, Godwin's stronger."

"Oh, Eldon. Are you truly going to sit there and defend him still? You are only useful to him because of your ability. If it were not for that, you would be meaningless."

"Ain't that the same for you?" Eldon squinted at her.

Elouise raised her eyebrows. "I suppose you are right." Though she took a deep breath, feeling her chest ache. What are you doing? She swallowed hard. "We will return to the palace at sundown."

"I ain't goin' with you."

"Unfortunately, you do not have a choice in the matter. You are stuck with me now. Should you choose to comply and behave, perhaps we can discuss removing your restraints."

Eldon gaped at her. "Yer gonna keep me tied up?"

She turned her back to him, frowning. I am sorry. "Yes." Then she exited the manor for some air.


Despite the ruined overgrown grass and the mess of furniture sprawled across, Elouise could not deny how glorious the sunset looked here. It blanketed the manor and field in an orange hue. She yearned to sit down and wait for the stars to appear, but she could not waste more time.

Elouise went inside, finding Eldon asleep—much more peacefully than earlier. She bit down on her tongue as she walked up to him.

"Eldon," she said. He didn't stir. And she huffed. "Eldon!"

He flinched, blinking hard a few times, and then glared at her.

"We must leave now," she said as she kneeled beside him and undid his restraints, keeping his wrists tied together.

He dropped his arms forward and side-eyed her. "Why do ya want me to have my memories back?"

Elouise froze, staring at him questioningly.

"I saw Haven's journal," he elaborated. "She wrote 'bout some memory potion."

"Yes, she—" Elouise knitted her brows. "Wait, why were you looking in her journal?"

"Udolf needed to know ingredients for a potion."

"A potion?"

"The night of the ball, you didn't faint 'cause ya drank too much."

Elouise briefly closed her eyes and shook her head. "The potion was for me."

"A sleepin' potion. Supposed to be stronger than the powder to keep ya asleep 'til we got you on a ship."

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