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It's been three days since I saw Victoria, and I'm kinda sad about it. I kinda miss her presence. But I won't be sad for too long since we're having the sleepover tonight.

I thanked the delivery driver for bringing our next stock for the month and went back to my office.

It's almost time to go home and to get ready for tonight. I sigh as I stare at the stack of papers on my desk that needs to be finished next week Friday.

I wince as a shot of pain went through the back of my head. Damn that hurt.

I don't know what's going on with me lately but I would randomly get the worst headaches and migraines ever and I don't understand why. It's not like a work myself to death.

I frown as my head started to pound and I groaned. Damn it's only getting worse. I stood up from my chair and stumbled slightly as my head started spinning. I plopped down on the couch and closed my eyes for a few minutes.

After maybe for laying down for an hour the headache went away and I felt a lot better than before.

I looked at the time and my eyes bulged out of my head when I saw I only got thirty minutes to get to Victoria's house.

I scrambled up from the couch and made quick work to get home and pack an overnight bag.

• • •

I ring the doorbell of Victoria's massive front door. Her mansion is huge but she got taste.

After a few seconds the front door open and I watch as Victoria came into view with black silk pyjamas. Even without makeup and a three thousand dollar suit she looks gorgeous.

"Hi, come in, Ella and Isabelle is in the living room." She said closing the massive door behind us.

"Hi." I greeted her shyly and she smiled at me before I followed her to the living room.

After greeting everyone I took a seat on the couch and snuggled under the grey blanket that lays on the couch.

When Victoria came back from the kitchen she stares at me with a raised brow and I became confused.

What? Did I do something wrong I didn't know about?

"What?" I asked her and she smirked.

"That's my blanket." She replied calmly and my eyes widen.

"O-Oh, s-sorry—"

She cuts me off before I could continue. "It's okay, we'll share." My eyes widen even more when she said that.

Sharing a blanket with Victoria?


She casually walks over to me and took a seat next to me, so close that our shoulders are brushing against each other. I blush at the skin contact. She threw the blanket over her body and got into a comfortable position.

That night we watched about three movies before we called it a night.

"Okay so there's only one spare bedroom for Ella and Isabelle but Cameron can sleep in my room." Victoria said it so casually that she doesn't know how fast my heart is beating in my chest right now.

I swallowed nervously. "It's okay I'll just sleep on the couch." She gave me a stern look that says 'Don't argue with me'

I nodded at her and she smiles.

"Enjoy." Ella whispered in my ear as she hugged me goodnight. I glared at the as she made her way upstairs with Isabelle.

"Bring your bag and follow me." I heard Victoria say to me softly and I nodded shyly at her.

I followed her up the stairs like a lost puppy down the long hallway. She opened a door and her bedroom came into my view.

Her bedroom walls were a dark grey colour, with a queen size bed in the middle of the room with a massive headboard. Her covers is a pitch black colour. She has a couch in the corner of her room with a huge flat screen tv mounted against the wall. With two other doors which probably leads to her bathroom and walk-in closet. My eyes widen when I saw she also had an balcony.

"You have a big room." I mumble and she laughs.

"I like it." She shrugs and walked over to the bed and climbed into the right side of the bed.

"Would you mind if I took a quick shower?" I asked her shyly as I stood in the middle of her room awkwardly.

"Of course not." She waved me off as she put on a pair of reading glasses and started to read her book.


I took my bag with me and closed the bathroom door softly behind me. My eyes widen at the size of her bathroom. A huge shower that can easily fit in five people, a bathtub that looks like a damn jacuzzi.

How rich is she?

I stripped out of my clothes and climbed into the massive shower. It took a few minutes to figure out how to turn the water on since there is weird buttons on the shower wall.

I was almost done when I felt a migraine coming.

I washed myself slowly, feeling like all the energy in my body was draining. I grunted as I collapsed on the floor tiled shower floor.

I groan as a pain shot up my back. Fuck that hurt like a bitch.

I was now sitting on the shower floor, the warm water still running over my body as I started to loose consciousness.

Fuck! Pull yourself together!

I can't let Victoria see me like this, it's embarrassing.

Suddenly there was a knock on the bathroom door and my heart started to beat faster in my chest.


"Cameron are you okay? I heard a bang?" I heard Victoria's voice from the other side of the door.

I closed my eyes tightly and cleared my throat. "I'm fine, I dropped the shampoo bottle." My voice came out in a squeak.


"Cameron! Don't you dare lie to me." I groan as my head started to feel woozy.

"Cameron, answer me!" I heard another few knocks on the door.

"I'm coming in." At this point I didn't care if she sees me naked right now, it feels like I'm fucking dying.

I heard the shower door open and heard a gasp. "Cameron!" I watch as she quickly turned the water off before squatting down to my level.

My eyes feel heavier than normal.

"I-I d-don't f-feel s-so g-good." I stuttered out as my head lulled back into the cold shower wall.

"Sweetheart, is it okay if I pick you up." She asked softly. Her voice was never so soft when she spoke to me so I was quite surprised by it but at this moment I didn't care.

"Y-yes." I felt soft warm hands under my back and legs before I'm picked up from the cold shower floor.

I was in a daze as she carried me to the bed in her arms. She put me down gently on the bed. "I'm going to get you're pyjamas okay." She said softly and I nod.

"Can I help dress you?" She asked softly and I nodded her voice sounds so far away.

She gently dried me off and dressed me. If this was another situation I probably would be dying in embarrassment but in this moment I don't care if she knows that I have a dick.

I felt a warm hand on my forehead. "You're burning up." Was the last thing I heard before I lost consciousness.


~ R

𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora