Tea with Teacher

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Knock Knock Knock

There were scratching noises from inside the room, followed by a dog barking and sound of heavy footsteps.

The front oak door opened to reveal a half-giant standing there.

"It's you lot - come in come in" Hagrid ushered them in.

"It still feels weird, coming here in the castle instead of the grounds." Hermione said, stepping inside the teachers quarters.

"Professor McGonagall says I should live 'ere instead of the grounds, but I was thinkin ter rebuild me hut around Christmas time. The grounds are covered in snow, it needs maintenance and I can't rudy well do that from 'ere." Hagrid said, starting to make tea.

"Snow's late this year." Ron noted.

"It should start snowing tomorrow." Hermione said, "According to daily prophet's weather column, never failed before." She added on their questioning looks.

"So we should start building your hut Hagrid!" Ginny said.

"No need, no need, I will do it."

"We will help you Hagrid." Harry said, a note of finalism in his voice.

Hagrid shook his head disapprovingly,  "Very well, very well...taking orders from students..."

Harry grinned from where he was sitting.

How did you convinced him?

I don't know.

Your voice had a note of dengerous finalism.

Did it?


Maybe it's a gift from Tom.

What do you mean?

Convincing people, he was brilliant at that.

Ron snapped his fingers infront of them. "Stop silent communicating." he said.

"Well look at it Harry," Hagrid said suddenly, "all grown up. You all have grown up too fast." He kept the tea cups down.

"You were 'ust a year old when I met you. Now gettin married."

Hagrid laughed, something was funny for him or maybe he had drunk too much.

"We all grew up." Hermione said, remembering how she was against rule breaking, she took let out a laugh.

"What's so funny?" (Shoutout to the one who guesses correctly: Who said this?)

Hermione shook her head, "Me against breaking rules is funny. Look at me now."

"I had no family, and now I have everything I wanted." Harry said bittersweetly.

"Oh Harry, my poor boy." Ginny said hugging him.

"Sickening Sweet." Ron said cringing.

"Stop it Ronald, it is sweet." Hermione said.

"Where's the Hermione I knew?"

"Shut up Ron, it's Hinny!"

"Hinny? Where's a hinny?" Harry asked.

"Not a hinny, you two." Hermione said.


"It's your name combined."

"Why not Garry then?" Ginny asked

"It sounds weird!"


"But what's a Hinny?"

"An animal."

Hagrid chuckled. "Remember Ginny? Coming to me hut? And then you would go on and on, on Harry. Harry this, Harry that."

Ginny flushed but said nothing. Harry looked at her, surprised, and then back to Hagrid.

"Yes, she did it, a lot. After that diary, she needed someone to trust. Yer know me, always available fer me students." Hagrid continued. "No need to keep that a secret now...gettin married..."

"Go on, laugh." Ginny said bitterly.

"What's so funny?" Asked Hagrid.

"It's cute." Harry said.

"Sweet, I would say." Hermione said.

"Wait - so you weren't there to ask a doubt that time?" Ron said suddenly.

"I was there to ask a doubt, just not about Care of Magical Creatures." Ginny answered.

"What's going on?" Harry and Hermione asked at the same time. (Hold your Hippogriffs Harmione shippers.)

"During that black time in our fourth year, I went to Hagrid's and bumped into Ginny." Ron said.

"Oh. So what was your doubt Gin?"

"I don't remember."

"Hagrid, don't you think they have changed?" Ron asked.

"Yeah, somewhat." He answered.

"I mean they are always together. No more only trio time." Ron said.


"Cass says that too." Ginny said.

"We always had a mission, didn't we?" Harry said.

"Mission keep Hinny apart for a day?"

"That's pathetic Ron."

"Mission fun"

"What are y'all gonna do?" Hagrid asked.

"Slumber party!" Ron piped up.

"Ok then" Ginny shrugged, "Me and Cass in my room and you three in yours."


Meanwhile Hagrid: 👁️👄👁️

Anyways, what do you think they will do in the slumber party?



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