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Their home was not what I expected.

It was a penthouse in the middle of the city. The car was parked in an underground parking that was specially reserved for Alexander Wyatt. There was a pin code that had to be entered for the elevator to go straight up to the penthouse.

Alexander stepped out of the elevator and walk right over to the dark oak door. He paused briefly before he pushed the door open and entered the penthouse.

"Come on," Valiant urged softly with a hand pressed to the small of my back.

A light above the stove was on and a single lamp in the living room. It didn't give me much light to take it all in, not that it mattered. Valiant steered me away from the living room, down a dark hall, and towards a door at the end.

He pushed it open and stepped inside first to switch on the light.

Everything about the room was simple. A bed and bedside tables, a closet, and a tall window with a view of half the city. The wall was painted a light green that matched the bed sheets.

"You can make any changes you want," Valiant said softly. "Just let me know what you need and I'll make sure that you get it."

"I won't be staying for long," I told him.

He raised an eyebrow. "You have a lot of faith in John."

I didn't reply. Walking over to the bed, I placed my bag down on it and turned to face him. It made me see the door that led into the bathroom and a big bookshelf I had missed earlier.

"I want to show you something." He gestured for me to follow him as he walked over to the bookshelf.

I frowned when he pulled a specific book a few inches out of its spot and a click filled the room. He glanced at me, and then pulled the shelf away from the wall, revealing a secret room.

"A nest if you ever need one."

"I won't," I replied.

But curiosity had me moving past him into the room.

There were no windows.

A big canopy bed occupied the center of the room. Thick purple curtains surrounded the bed which was covered with different size pillows.

"There's also a bathroom," he said softly, pointing towards it. "And a closet filled with more pillows and blankets."

"You have an omega?"


I frowned. "But you have a nest."

Valiant switched off the light and walked out of the room. I followed silently behind him, questions flooding my mind. Once we were in the bedroom again, he pushed the bookshelf back into place and turned to look at me.

"I have a few cousins who visit sometimes," he said softly. "They're omega's and we like to be prepared in case the unexpected happens."

He looked me right in the eyes and lied to me, but I wasn't going to push. If he didn't want to tell me why they had a nest hidden away in their penthouse, I wasn't going to push him.

My eyes dropped to his neck, searching for a bond mark but I found nothing but bare skin.

"I'll show you around tomorrow." He made his way over to the door. "My room is right across the hall if you need anything."

"Thank you."

He smiled. "Sleep well, petal."

The door clicked closed behind him. I stared at it, trying to make sense of the sudden loneliness that filled me. I didn't want him to leave, but I didn't want him to stay either.

Claiming their Omega (SAMPLE ONLY)Where stories live. Discover now