Chapter 2: The Gaze

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Lexi P.O.V

I stood in my bedroom, gazing out the window at the garden. My mind was focused on the family business, the Thompson Empire. As the only daughter of Andrew Thompson, the powerful mafia boss, I knew I had a role to play.

As I turned away from the window, my eyes landed on Sophia, the new maid. She was standing in the doorway, her eyes fixed on me with a mix of curiosity and fear. I could tell she was trying to make a good impression, but I wasn't interested. In our world, loyalty and obedience were the only currencies that mattered.

As our gazes met, I felt a sudden surge of power. I was the one who held the reins, and she was just a pawn in our game. I could tell she was trying to read me, but I was a master at hiding my secrets.

I turned away, dismissing her. But I couldn't shake off the feeling that Sophia was different. She had a spark in her eyes that I hadn't seen before. And I was determined to find that out.

As I sat on the bed, I couldn't help but think about the new maid, Sophia. I had seen her from afar, but we hadn't yet spoken. I wondered what she was like, what her story was. But in our world, personal connections were a luxury we couldn't afford. I pushed the thoughts aside and focused on the task at hand.

I had a meeting with my father's associates to attend to, and I needed to be sharp. Our family's empire was built on power and influence, and I was determined to do my part in maintaining it. I stood up, smoothing out my tuxedo, and made my way to the study.

As I entered the room, I saw my father's associates waiting for me. They nodded in respect, and I took my seat at the head of the table. We began discussing business, our conversation laced with hidden agendas and subtle threats. This was our world, and I was ready to play my part.

But as the meeting adjourned, I left back to my room to relax and wait for the dinner date, but the thought of the beautiful lady I saw earlier kept on running through my mind,

I know for a high intellectual person like me I shouldn't be thinking of a maid. She is beautiful, looks smart but what will a smart person be doing working as a maid when she could be in a very luxurious office.

It was 5:48pm I had to meet my girlfriend Carmen on a date, I was already running late.
I got into my car and headed to the venue where I picked Carmen from her house and we headed to a 5 star restaurant which I paid for in full.

Today I am going to be engaging Carmen, not because I love her but that's what our family wants.
I am sure Carmen loves me but I don't feel same for her.

As we sat down at our table, Carmen chatted excitedly about her day, but my mind kept wandering back to Sophia. I couldn't explain why, but there was something about her that intrigued me. Maybe it was the way she carried herself with confidence and grace, or the spark in her eyes that hinted at a deeper intelligence. Whatever it was, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to her than met the eye.

Carmen's voice brought me back to reality. "Lexi, what's wrong? You seem distant tonight."

I forced a smile and took her hand. "Just a long day, that's all. Sorry, baby."

She leaned in, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Well, I have some news that might perk you up. My father has agreed to support our engagement, and we can start making plans for the wedding!"

I nodded, trying to muster up some enthusiasm. This was what our families wanted, after all. But as I looked at Carmen, I couldn't help but feel trapped. I was going through the motions, playing the role of the dutiful daughter and future wife, but my heart wasn't in it. And then, there was Sophia... the maid who had piqued my interest and made me question everything.

"By next week I will be Mrs Carmen Thompson." Carmen said with so much excitement in her voice.

"Yes baby,and we will have a beautiful family together" I said forcing myself to smile.

"Where are we going to have the wedding" she asked looking at the diamond ring I gave her some minutes ago "where do you want us to have the wedding" I asked keeping a straight face. " in the Thompson's Family Mansion, a beautiful garden wedding theme princess" she said so exited.

"Then that what we will have baby" I said looking at her.
I picked the glass of wine from the table and sipped a little as I watch Carmen exited about the engagement ring.

"So are you spending the night at my house today" I asked her, " yes my love I will love to be on your bed tonight" she said.

"Ok then" I said standing up and buttoning my tox "shall we" I said walking towards her and holding her hands as we walked out of the 5 star restaurant and headed back to my house.

We got to the front door and Mrs Jenkins opened the door welcoming us.

"Thank you Mrs Jenkins" I said walking pass her leaving Carmen still at the door.

"Guess what Mrs Jenkins" Carmen said to mrs Jenkins I stood at the first step of the stairs so I could hear what she was going to say, even though I knew it's about the wedding.

"Lexi asked me to marry her" she said and I walked away.

I got to my room and went to the closet so I could get my self ready for bed when Carmen walked in.

"That was rude" she said walking into the closet and standing in front of me

"What's that" I asked "you walking away and leaving me downstairs, you are to wait for me so we could walk into the room together" she said with her voice calm but yet very angry.

"I am sorry baby, I am just a bit tired and I am having a rough day tomorrow at work, forgive my behavior" I said kissing her on the forehead and then down to her lips.
I slowly kissed her neck and her shoulders. Before looking up at her " am I forgiving" I asked " yes, you know how to bring the calm girl in me" she said looking into my eyes and kissing me on the lips.

I picked her up as she wrapped her Legs round my waist I walked out of the closet and went to the room laying her down on the bed. I kissed her on the neck down to her chest and landed on her breast I took my time as I sucked her breasts letting her moan a little I picked her up and unhooked her bra and removed her dress tossing it to the ground I kissed her on the stomach and went down to her wet Virginia where I slowly took my time to suck. Her head back wards as she moans and call my name. "What do you want me to do to you" I asked removing my belt. "Ohhh yes papi I want you deep inside me" she said as I removed my trousers you could see I was huge down there. She used her feet to rub on it. As she stood up kneeling down she removed my boxers and slowly took me out and sucked on my huge dick. Slowly she started and went on faster making me moan..........

She laid beside me breathing heavily and slowly she came close to me wrapping her hands round me. And she slowly slept off. She must have had a good time so did I.
She was good at what she did so I guess that will substitute for the feelings I have for her, her good sex.
I slowly lifted her hand from my body and headed to the bathroom to take a shower

As I stood under the warm shower, I couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness. The encounter with Carmen had been physically satisfying, but emotionally, I felt nothing. My mind kept wandering back to Sophia, the new maid. I couldn't explain why, but there was something about her that drew me in. Maybe it was the way she carried herself with confidence and grace, or the spark in her eyes that hinted at a deeper intelligence. Whatever it was, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to her than met the eye.

As I got out of the shower and dried myself off, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I looked tired, worn out from the pretence of it all. I was living a life that wasn't mine, a life that was dictated by my family's expectations and power. And in that moment, I felt a strong desire to break free from it all, to be myself, to follow my own desires.

I walked back into the bedroom, where Carmen was still sleeping peacefully. I looked at her, feeling a pang of guilt for using her for my physical needs, but not being able to reciprocate her emotional love. I knew I had to end this games soon, but for now, I just lay down beside her, my mind racing with thoughts of Sophia and the possibilities of a different life.

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