Chapter 3: My New Work

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Sophia's POV

I woke up by 5:00am inorder to get ready for work today, first day at work and trust me you won't want to give a bad impression. I got up headed to the bathroom to freshen up

As I stood under the warm shower, I felt a sense of excitement and nervousness wash over me. My first day at work as a maid! I had been preparing for this moment for weeks, and I was determined to make a good impression. I washed my hair, scrubbed my skin, and rinsed off feeling refreshed.

After getting dressed in my crisp new uniform, I headed to the kitchen where I met mrs Jenkins waiting for me as the chef starts his duty of making breakfast for the Thompsons family.

"Today you get to meet the Thompsons, but they are not home now they traveled for a business meeting so the people you will be meeting is Alessia and her wife to be Carmen, so your first duty in this house is to just make sure the whole house is clean, you dust and clean all the entire mansion. Since Mr and Mrs Thompson are not home you will start cleaning Alessia's room, breakfast is served by 8pm so you have to suspend whatever you are doing and meet us at our dinning room" Mrs Jenkins said to me and pathed me on my right hands.

"Ok ma'am and thank you" I said smiling and exited to start my new job

"Follow me, let me get you your cleaning tools" Mrs Jenkins said walking towards the kitchen door as I followed behind her.

We got to the cleaning room and she gave me every cleaning tools that I needed to clean this whole mansion, but I need the money right so no complain.

"Have fun" Mrs Jenkins said to me handing me by cleaning supplies. As we both left to our deferent work area.

I took a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves as I began my first task. I started by dusting the furniture and fixtures in Alessia's room, making sure to get into all the nooks and crannies. As I worked, I couldn't help but notice the elegant decorations and luxurious furnishings that filled the room. It was clear that the Thompsons were a wealthy family, and I felt a sense of pride knowing that I was now a part of their household staff.

As I moved on to cleaning the floors and surfaces, I noticed a few family photos on the dresser. I recognized Alessia and Carmen from the pictures, and I couldn't help but wonder what they would be like to work for. ''hopefully they are kind people" I said to my self as I continued my duty.

After finishing Alessia's room, I moved on to the rest of the mansion, methodically cleaning each room and making sure everything was spotless. As the morning wore on, I began to feel more comfortable in my new role, and I was grateful for the opportunity to work in such a beautiful and luxurious environment.

As 8am approached, I made my way to the dining room, I took my place at the table, alongside Mrs. Jenkins and the rest of the staff,

"You look good in your uniform" Alejandro the Gardner complimented me

"Oh thank you" I said with a smile

"Today we are having some bread and scrambled eggs with a cup of tea Enjoy your meal" the chef Marco said as he sat on his seat

After our breakfast we were to go and finish our chores,
I left the dinning room and head to the main sitting room where I saw her Ms Thomson and her girlfriend Carmen.
Carmen sat on one of the luxurious and expensive cushions in the sitting room while Alessia stood facing the big glass door that you could see the beautiful front garden.

I took in a very dip breath and walked into the sitting room

"Good morning Ms" I said greeting Carmen who looked at me like trash and continued with what she was doing on her phone.
"That's was disrespectful" I said to myself .

"Good morning Ms" I greeted Alessia. She looks at me, her eyes soft and dreamy, yet hinting at a deep sadness. It was as if she was searching for something in my face, something that I couldn't quite understand. I felt a flutter in my chest, a mix of curiosity and unease. I had never seen anyone look at me like that before, with such intensity and longing.

"Good morning," she finally replied, her voice barely above a whisper. Her eyes never left mine, and I felt like she was seeing right through me.

I quickly looked away, feeling a sense of discomfort. I wasn't used to being the focus of someone's attention like that.

"You must be the new maid" she continued still keeping the look on her face

"Yes Ms" I said and quickly drop my head down

"Lexi is the name" she said to me .

"Sophia" I said with tension in my voice. I looked up and headed straight to the glass front door to start working on it.

"Why did you choose to be a maid" she asked I could feel her eyes piercing right into my head from behind, I could not see her but I had this feeling she was looking at me.

"I need the money, for my family" I said still focused on the door

"Family what about your family" she asked walking towards me. My heart sank to my stomach. She walked and stood behind me I could feel her breath on my neck

"Well, she has cancer and she needs money for chemotherapy so I had to take this job inorder to raise the money for her chemo treatment" I said wiping the the glass door.

"Oh I see, how much is the money for the chemotherapy" she asked still standing behind me.

"Ten thousand dollars" I said still focused on my work

"Ahhhhh, I hope you are not about to do what I am thinking of, plus why are you so close to the maid, that's disgusting honey, she is a peasant can't you see" Carmen said walking towards Alessia's

"It not fair you call someone a peasant she is also human you know" Alessia said to her wife to be

"Alright, let go shopping" she said to Alessia followed my a kiss on the lips.

They both left the living room leaving me alone to think about the hurtful words Carmen just said to me. But I didn't care I am just here to earn money and take care of my family so what ever Carmen says about me shouldn't bother me.

I finished with the big glass door and stared to clean the windows after that I scrubbed the floor, dusted and cleaned every inch on the sitting room with that I head straight to my next spot the library.

The house is so big that I might use the whole day cleaning, but something I am happy about this whole job is I don't get to do a dip cleaning everyday.

As afternoon approached I was done with the whole dip cleaning and I was ready to finally rest.
I was in my room relaxing when I heard a knock on my door, I got up got the door open and it was the one and only princess Carmen

"Hello Ms do you need me to do anything for you" I asked looking at her.

"Yes, I just want you to stop talking to Lexi, she is not on your class, so if you must talk to her, talk to Mrs Jenkins to talk to her for you, and if she talks to you just nod in agreement or disagreement, are we clear" she said with a mischievous smile on her face

"I understand Ms" I said looking at her And with that she left my front door.

I wondered why she was so pressed, she should know I am not someone her wife to be will fancy. I am just a maid a peasant as she said earlier.

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