Trauma, PTSD, whatever you call it- sucks

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*This book will have mentions of Suicidal thoughts, Self Harm, Eating disorders, and other things under that sorta thing. If you can't read this- I understand, but I've tried to make this book as realistic as I could.*

Welcome back she's, they's, and gays! (If you're a straight man on Wattpad; save yourself now).

As most of you remember from the last story, I fought Lord Ares (with my twin brother), returned the Master Bolt to Zeus (with my brother), and been betrayed by my boyfriend (not with my brother). Fun!

My day started out as normally as it could get... I heard my mom shout to Percy that he was going to be late, then she walked to my door and knocked.

"Last day! Don't be late!" It was my last day of seventh grade, and i managed not to

A) Get expelled or

B) Get attacked by a murderous monster- so obviously that means today should end in shambles.

I adjusted my necklace- which was my sword Tidalwave (for those of us who don't remember) and remembered the time Percy and I were fighting with Javelins and broke our mother's fine China. She banned inside use of weapons. I got dressed in a rainbow tank top with a smiley face (which was definitely not within dress code), a sweater to cover the hideous scar from the end of last summer, denim shorts, black converse, and my classic hair tie. I walked out and mom made blue waffles and blue eggs- a tradition of blue food between Percy and her; which they welcomed me into.

Our mom was at the sink, washing dishes. Wearing her work uniform and her brown hair in a long ponytail, just like mine. She turned and looked at Percy who was taking small bites; and if you knew Percy at all, you'd say that's crazy.

"Percy, you alright?" Mom turned around and walked over to us- rubbing a hand through his hair as she walked by him.

"Yeah, fine." But it was clear he wasn't fine- something was bothering him.

"Is it school or-" Percy pursed his lips and put his fork down, so i put mine down to listen.

"I think Grover's in trouble." He told us about his terrible dream and mom seemed very... hesitant. We never really talked about our godly side or camp-half blood.

"I wouldn't be too worried, dear. Grover's a big Satyr now. If there was a problem, I'm sure we would have heard about it from- camp..." She said camp in a weird way, but Percy just nodded; picking his fork back up to symbolize he was hungry. She got back up and walked back to the sink, "I'll tell you what. This afternoon, I'll take Tyson, Caspian, and you to Rockefeller Center. To that skateboard shop you like." But we were supposed to pack for camp tonight.

"What about packing?" She twisted her dishrag and turned back to me; Percy nodded as to agree with my question.

"About that... Chiron messaged me last night." My heart paused. He wouldn't call her unless something was wrong- he told us that after he got back from Olympus (through Iris messaging).

"What did he say?" I asked, pushing some egg away from my waffles. She looked at Percy and I, who were staring at her.

"He thinks... it might not be safe for you to come to camp just yet. We might have to postpone." I dropped my fork and Percy choked on the sip of drink he had taken. He recovered and looked at her.

"Postpone? Mom, how could it not be safe? We're half-bloods! It's like, the only safe place on earth for us!" Sally tried to calm us down, but if something was wrong with our camp, we had to know.

"Usually dear, but with the problems they're having-" I interrupted.

"What problems, mom?" She turned to me. (Authors note: Caspian has been living with Sally for just under a year and her calling her mom melts my heart. Drop a heart in the comments if you love Sally Jackson!!! ♥️)

"Casp... I'm very, very sorry. I was planning to explain it all later, I can't explain it all now. I'm not even sure Chiron could. Everything happened so suddenly." She looked down at our plates and realized how little we ate, then glanced at the time. Camp Half-Blood, not safe? What planet am I on?

"Seven-thirty, guys. You should go, Tyson will be waiting." Percy tried to argue, "We will talk this afternoon, go to school." She looked in her eyes like she might cry if we pushed any further. She was right though, we had to go meet Tyson or he would cry.

Percy and I went to grab our bags, but then i realized it was the last day- I'm totally not bringing it. I made sure Tidalwave was still on my neck and that my shirt covered my scar on my stomach. It didn't, so i just zipped up my sweater a little bit. We walked to the door and Percy stopped.

"Mom, does this problem at camp have anything to do with my dream about Grover?" Suddenly, a flashback hit me.

"Then I'm sorry for this." I didn't know what he meant until I felt something cold in my stomach. Then- after just a second, it hit me, I felt a sharp, searing, burning pain in my abdomen. I screamed and fell back; realizing he had stabbed me. "There's a new gIlden age, and no children of the Sea God will be a part of it." I realized Percy would be his next target, so I pushed myself off of the ground- shaking and feeling a hot pain spread though my arms.

"GET AWAY! I-" I stumbled and leaned onto a tree; my vision felt off and my stomach was bleeding onto my hand, (which was clutched onto the hole).

"Poison- will kill you slowly and painfully- just how I would want for you." I got closer to the tree, now putting my whole body's weight on it as I rested my back against it.

"HELP ME! OVER HERE!" I screamed as Luke just watched, smiling. Then I remembered the bracelet he gave me; it would spring into a shield. I took my hand off my stomach and put it closer to my sword hand. The shield launched out and immediately flung to where we had set up the picnic.

"Oh yeah; about that!" He grinned, not fully telling me what's going on.

"Stay the HELL away from my brother!" I lunged and hit him right between his shoulder and his neck with my sword; giving him a thin slice between. He shouted and stumbled back, so I kicked him in the stomach. He groaned as his butt hit the dirt after he fell backwards. "I'll tell you just what I told Are-" The breath left my body and I fell back into the same tree as Luke grinned.

"The poisons hitting your heart. You have about two minutes until you pass out... let's see how well you keep up." He lunged and swung at me. I used my sword to block him and tried to see if there was any water nearby. I felt some mist on the grass, maybe I could gather enough to- Luke sliced and I slid to the side. I felt something skid down my skin, but the pain burned me immediately.

"T-Touch my brother-" Luke let out a menacing, truly evil laugh. I screamed and my vision fogged; the poison was about to knock me out.

"And all Hades will break loose? Yeah I'm sure, Water girl." I tried to climb away, but he grabbed my chin. "Goodbye, Love." A nickname he had deemed fit for me in early July. Then he threw my head back and ran to the beach.

"Help. Me." I crawled as I saw something move next to a tree and speak.

"Caspian!" I shot back into reality and my mom was holding me by both my arms. I had tears in my eyes and was clutching my stomach. "You're okay. You're okay." She pulled me into a hug as I sobbed into her shoulder. It wasn't the fact that he stabbed me; it was the pain of remembering this person i trusted had hurt me and betrayed me.

"He- he-" I hiccupped, and she peeled me off her shoulder.

"I know, baby. Can you do today?" I nodded, and wiped my tears off my face, hiccupping as i did so. She gave me a tissue and kissed my forehead. "Your day is what you make it! Make it great, last day of seventh grade!!" She cheered as Percy walked back to me and i nodded. We left and sprinted to the train and Tyson.

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