Alley ways are a great talking space

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We found Annabeth- well, Annabeth found us. She snatched Tyson (who was still carrying me, saying 'friend saved me', whatever that was about) and Percy. She looked at Tyson and pulled out her dagger.

"Put Caspian down, now, you monster!" In shock, Tyson dropped me and I hit my head on a metal trash can lid.

"Ow! Can we have like 10 minutes where Caspian isn't beat the crap out of? Please? I'll settle for five." Annabeth glanced down at me and back at Percy.

"I would say she's just delirious, but after living with her for 9 months, I can assure you she's fine." Percy commented before Annabeth began to question us. Tyson helped me up saying "I'm so sorry, friend" over and over.

"Where'd you find him?" She was being awfully rude towards him and if she wasn't my friend- I would have hit her.

"He's our friend, Annabeth." Percy said upset. Maybe we were both just upset from the attack, but we were so used to kids bullying Tyson...

"Is he homeless?" I turned to her in shock with my mouth hung open.

"Annabeth Chase! You can't just ask if somebody's homeless!" Percy also looked at her and back at Tyson who was staring at Annabeth.

"You know he can talk, right? Ask him these questions!" She looked surprised and turned to Tyson.


"I talk. You are pretty." I almost congratulated him. We've been working on the proper way to say something, and it made sense this time. Until Annabeth gagged and stepped back.

"Agh! Gross!" I turned to her.

"What's your problem! Tyson hasn't done anything to you! He's been kind and you have just been gagging towards him, which is totally rude!" Percy was staring at Tyson's hands while i blew up on Annabeth.

"Tyson's hands aren't even burnt." Percy said in disbelief. Our clothes were burned in multiple spots, we had burn marks everywhere, and my knees were bleeding so badly- I felt it dripping down my legs.

"Of course not, I'm surprised the Laistrygonians had the guts to attack you guys with him around." I really wasn't following what she was saying.

"The Lesbians?" Percy and Annabeth both looked at me just as confused as i felt.

"Laistrygonians, the monsters in the gym. They're a race of cannibals who live in the far north. Odysseus ran into them once, but I've never seen as far south as New York before." Percy and I made eye contact and he shrugged.

"Laistry- what's? What's the English name for them?" Annabeth shrugged and translated in her way.

"Canadians. Now C'mon, we need to get out of here." Percy glanced at my knees and his eyes went wide. He stopped me from walking and grabbed Annabeth's arm.

"Look at her knees! Do you have any Nectar or Ambrosia?" Annabeth went digging and pulled out a thermos.

"Take two sips, should heal you up okay." I opened it and took a small sip. It now tasted like Sally's blue macadamia nut cookies- or as we like to call them, The Cookie Monster's cookies. I took the two sips, and I could feel it warm me up and I watched as my knees scabbed over. The blood on my leg dried up and I can't imagine the looks on people's faces as we walked through the city. Percy and Annabeth had a small conversation while I sat down for a minute to catch my breath. Percy told her about his Grover dreams, and she shook her head.

"Why? What were you dreaming about?" Tom Holland breaking into our house and kidnaping our mom, but i doubt i should say that... Annabeth looked at me weird as if she read my mind.

"Camp, big trouble." Percy and I glanced at each other before he spoke up.

"Wait. My mom said the same thing! But what kind of trouble?" Annabeth shook her head and picked at her nail.

"I don't know exactly, something's wrong. We have to get there right away. Monsters have been chasing me all the way from Virginia, trying to stop me. Have you had a lot of attacks?" Percy glanced at me again and shook his head.

"None all year... until today." Annabeth seemed so confused.

"None, but how?" Her eyes drifted to Tyson, "Oh."

"Annabeth, what do you mean! Why do you keep looking at Tyson and saying he's the reason?" Tyson raised his hand and waited patiently until Percy 'called' on him. Tyson played with his hands, interlacing fingers as he spoke nervously.

"Canadians in the gym called Percy and Caspian something... Children of the Sea God?" I nodded and Percy walked over to Tyson.

"Big guy, you ever hear those old stories about the Greek gods? Like Zeus, Poseidon, Athena-" Tyson interrupted him.

"Yes." Good! We had some baseline to work with. I took up the next line.

"Well... those gods are real. They follow Western civilization around, living in the strongest countries, so now they are in the U.S. and sometimes they have kids like us; demigods." Tyson just nodded and mumbled "yes". "Well- The three of us are demigods. We're like heroes in training. And whenever monsters pick up our scent, they attack us. That's what those kids were in the gym- monsters." Tyson just nodded, as if waiting for me to get to the point.

"So you believe us?" Percy said very confused.

"But you are kids of the Sea God?" Why couldn't Tyson get over this part? But he could handle the rest!

"Yeah, our dad's Poseidon. We're twins." I'm pretty sure almost everyone in our school knew we were twins. When you're 13, and in the seventh grade- being twins is wild to everyone. Like we are some weird hybrid creatures, which we are- but not that kind. Tyson looked down confused, which i wanted to know what confused him.

"But then..." A siren wailed as the police zoomed past us.

"We don't have time for this. We'll talk in the taxi." Annabeth tried to grab my arm.

"No offense, Beth, but I doubt even the Mist could cover this amount of blood." She shook her head.

"Trust me." Percy looked at the situation and suddenly remembered our very confused friend.

"Wait, what about Tyson? We can't just leave him, he'll get in trouble, too!" Percy argued, trying to figure out what to do with our very large friend, (He's 6'5 and I'm pretty tall; around 5'7. Percy's 5'10 and Annabeth is 5'9.) Annabeth frowned.

"Yeah. We definitely need to take him. Now come on!" She grabbed my arm and helped me back up.

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