Chapter 1•Birth of light- page 1 •

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Tw: this story has lots of Gore, alcoholism, Adultery, rape and abuse

~Angelicas birth~

On June the 6th 1860, The day I was born my existence had became a mistake. I was born and raised in the town miles and miles away from Glomorge Kingdom, raised into the land of witches and wizards and all kinds of mistreated creatures. The reason why I was born on that day was because I was the sourcerrer for light

Before I was born, Glomorge and the rest of the kingdoms had no source of light. So the king of Glomorge needed someone to sacrifice themselves to give birth of light but obviously no one would actually do so, so the king went on a testing spree and tested on people who committed crimes until he succeeded in the birth of light.

The king finally tested on himself and drunk a potion and he began to light up ..but nothing happened

Two years later a man, by the name of Hingington went to the towns nearest market to greet everyone and he seen my mother who is known for her blinded beauty as a Seas sorcerer also known as a land siren.

It falled at night and my father Hingington, the king of Glomorge raped my mother, Mother of seas and the land of sirens and 9 months later I was born into a kingdom and my mother took me and ran. All of the kingdoms worriers began to chase my mother, Thesistia.

she began to run to the woods leading to Sifist the land of torture and hovering shadows and went to the nearest waters. She then spoke to the sirens and told them to take me to safist and hide me from king and they began traveling far and far away while my mom stayed back to fight the warriors and that was the last time the Mother of sirens was seen.

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