Chapter 1•page 3•

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Far away from Hingington were the lands are greeted with the smell of cinnamon and apples, were the kingdom is known for its great fruits.

Greeted with berries and flowers like no other, as we stand in Virmons Kingdom.

When I arrived I had two guards stop me and asked me to identify myself.

"Name of your kingdom and who sent you here?"

I politely greeted myself
"My name is Angelica Jill, Hingingtons greatest trader sent by The trading chief himself Mr. Bean".
" I am here to give you are greatest wood in trade for your fruits" I spoke.

The guards didn't really believe what I was saying was true due to my warned down appearance and me being a women, I had a brown skirt that wasn't supposed to be brown but I got this from trading so, they didn't really expect something so low to have high value in name.

"So you just think we are gonna believe that.." they laughed historically, as I looked at them confused they stop in laughter and realized It wasn't a laughing situation because I was serious.

"Look I have all the wood in my wagon right here if you just let me pass so I can get fruits for my people and you can get wood for your people, alright?"
I agreed to just march in there like nothing but they still wasn't coming up with the idea to let me in...

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