Chapter 26

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Sam Krieger arrived at Egg Brake for breakfast. She found Obi and Elizabeth at a table and walked over towards them. They made small talk as everyone made it to the table.

It was a special occasion as it marks the end of their week long vacation. After their Okinawan beach party they recovered from their hangover before returning home. In that remaining time Sam went to the Hmong market in the cities with Nhia, baked bread with Elizabeth, went to the bars with James and Lance, watched baseball with James and Lance, watched baseball with James, and even played a game of chess with Obi.

After they all sat they ordered their food and continued to talk until the food arrived. They ate their foo with sporadic conversations and once they were done, the angels turned towards their leader as he was finishing his coffee.

"I hope you all had restful week after our encounter with the denizens." Obi said after taking his last sips of coffee. "But now we are back in business."

He pulled a slip of paper from his pocket. "Good news is that we won't have to go to any schools."

The angels chuckled. "Elizabeth, I am sending you to the Farm and Fleet in Lake Hallie."

She nods. "Nhia, here is an address for you."

Obi hands Nhia the piece of paper. "Lance, I am sending you to Clancy's tonight."

"Lance, I am sending you to Clancy's tonight."

Lance nodded. "James, tonight I am sending you to the homeless shelter downtown."

James groaned. "I know but it has to be done." Obi said. "Jack I am sending you to the YMCA swimming pool."

"Please be old, please be old." Jack said with his hands in prayer.

"Sam, you have retirement home duty." Obi told her.

"Got it." She said.

Obi pays the bill before turning to his fellow angels. "Now let's get to work."

They got up and left the restaurant to find a secluded spot to transform into their angel forms and teleport to their assignments. Sam found herself a retirement home. Entering she made her way through the halls until she found a room with a family surrounding a bed. A caregiver administering medicine. Moving through the people, the death angel stood beside the bed, her scythe appeared in her hand. She raised the tool and swung down.

The End

Short I know but I think it works. Thank you all for reading this story. I am planning to do a sequel. Please his the star button and leave a comment. 

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