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It was the first day of year 11. As usual, students took their seats in their tutor class. Out of nowhere, a cute, tall and shy blonde boy walked in.

" this 11RTH..?" He questioned. The form name was 11rth because the tutor was called 'Mr R Thomas.' Everyone turned to look at him and then they all nodded yes. Then the blonde boy smiled and walked up to a chair and questioned the person sitting next to it.

"Is anyone sitting here..?" A brunette girl then turned her head and looked at the boy.
"Uh...yeah. my friend Esmeray is. But she's late...again. the seat on my left is free though. You can sit there. My names Deyla! What about you?" She asked.
"Thanks! And my names Alex!" The blonde boy replied whilst taking his seat. The two started talking and learning about eachother. Sooner than later, They became best friends.

They would hang out every day along with Esmeray. They were a Trio. And then there were two other girls who joined the group. Abigail and Olivia. They were a 5. No matter the occasion, they always had eachothers back. This was until March the next year. They've known eachother for 7 months and they've been great. The entire group was walking together and then Alex started to speak.

"Um guys...I need to talk to Esmeray alone."
"Uhh...okay? Go on." Deyla said.

Alex stepped aside and made a hand signal to Esmeray to come to him. Esmeray took a step forward and stood next to Alex.

"What's up?" She questioned.
"Um...I think I like someone.." Alex said back. Esmeray gasped then leaned closer.
"Who? Tell me!!" She said with excitement in her voice.
"..promise not to judge?" Alex said hesitantly.
"I promise." She said back.
" ..deyla." Esmeray gasped again.
"Oh my! You guys would be Alex...she likes Norman." She said in a less excited tone. Norman was a guy from another form who almost everyone knew. Alex's arms dropped dead to his sides after receiving the unexpected information.
"What..?" He questioned quietly. There was a hint of sadness and jelousy in his voice.
"I'm so sorry.." Esmeray said in a guilty tone. Looking down, Alex started tearing up. Gently, Esmeray pulled him in for a hug. "Hey cmon...don't be sad."
"How can I not be sad..? The girl I love hates me." Alex said back.
"Hey. She doesn't hate you. Now wipe those tears and let's go back to the group." Esmeray said with a bright smile. She's always had a smile that could easily be spread. Once she smiled, everyone else's day would brighten up as if it was a spell to make people happy. Alex then smiled back at her and giggled quietly then they started making their way back to the group. As they got back, Deyla was glaring at Alex.
"What did you guys talk about? Hm?" She questioned.
"Hm? Nothing much. Why?" Alex responds.
"Hm. Nothing." Deyla said back.
" guys...wanna hang out on Saturday?" Alex asked. Olivia looked at Abigail then back at Alex.
"Me and Abigail are having a sleepover. So we can't." Olivia said.
"Ugh. My cousins are coming over." Esmeray said.
"I'm free..." Deyla muttered. She then looked up at Alex
"Great! How about we go to the mall?" Alex said excitedly.
"Of course!" Deyla replied. As usual, she went from annoyed and grumpy to happy and excited. The usual Deyla. As soon as they finished talking, the bell rang, signalling that it was hometime. Everyone sprinted out of the blue, tall gates and went home.

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